
Well Known Member
I looked at my trip log from work back home yesterday and found that N164BL was captured on the ramp outside the terminal at KEAU. I usually park in the same place when I visit our EC office for the day and it happened to get snapped at some point in the last year or so.

I only noticed it because I looked at the KML file from ForeFlight after recording the trip back and the trip started at the spot where my plane was parked - exactly where it showed up on Google Maps. Wild.

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Big Brother Sees All

I made the mistake of showing a co worker a google map shot of my airpark home and when the image popped up I realized it was updated from the one I was used to. The trees were bigger, the cars were moved, and as I zoomed in, the lid was off the hot tub. There is only one reason the lid is off the hot tub during the day, and that is so my wife can float in it and get some sun.

...yep, there she was!

I check the images before I show them off at work now.
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cameras everywhere

Looks like someone sitting in the right seat and someone standing on the left wing walk!