Jerry Fischer

Well Known Member
OK here goes:
1.Thanks for all the support & kind words on this year's HBC experience.
1a.Thank you to all my help
Jay Pratt & Carol Beaird our co-chairs in HBC
Jerry Folkerts
Rich Emory
Fred Huppertz
Debra & Jim Lane
Jan Marker
John Morgan
Duane Huff
And welcome 2 new volunteers for next year: Anita & Jack Hunt
2. Dan, your feet do need work...;)
3. Steve, I'm glad I was able to help in some small way after "Slash" incident.
4. Jay, borrowed Horse made the Bigtime, again.
5. Jerry, the RV pedal plane was a big hit.(even if you drive a Cygnet).

6. The new shower trailers & flush toilets were a big hit.(hope to get larger).
7. We set a record for HBP & Camping with over 395 A/C in one day.

Tonya, thanks for the cookie:p
8. Looking forward to an even bigger & better OSH in 2016.:cool:
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I agree that the showers were fantastic! Running hot and cold water in the sinks was great too!

My question is who is responsible for determining the number of flush toilets and port-a-johns for HBC? Seems to me that they underestimated the count a bit. I only saw one stall for men and the number of port-a-johns seemed about half the amount from previous years. With a HBC count of 395, there were probably at least 500 men queuing for the facilities.

I will say that the new vendor seemed to do a much better job at keeping things cleaner. I never saw a truck, but they all seemed extremely well cleaned. The old vendor seemed like they always wanted to clean the HBC units around 7-8am when in most use.

Also, another thumbs up on the parking system. I even lucked out and got the same spot as last year.

I agree that the showers were fantastic! Running hot and cold water in the sinks was great too!

My question is who is responsible for determining the number of flush toilets and port-a-johns for HBC? Seems to me that they underestimated the count a bit. I only saw one stall for men and the number of port-a-johns seemed about half the amount from previous years. With a HBC count of 395, there were probably at least 500 men queuing for the facilities.

I will say that the new vendor seemed to do a much better job at keeping things cleaner. I never saw a truck, but they all seemed extremely well cleaned. The old vendor seemed like they always wanted to clean the HBC units around 7-8am when in most use.

Also, another thumbs up on the parking system. I even lucked out and got the same spot as last year.
Actually, I did see a truck on back to back nights. On Tuesday night around 9:00pm and again on Wednesday evening while a dozen or so of us were sitting at the tent enjoying conversation and a nice evening, the truck pulled up and began "cleaning" the toilets. Needless to say on those two nights for about 20-30 minutes there was an obnoxious odorous scent that sent many running for cover. They should really consider cleaning those things during the daytime hours when most everyone is out and about the grounds instead of at their tents or around the coffee tent.
Cleaning toilets

We were definitely outnumbered on people to toilets, working on remedy.
In response to Steve, the holding tanks were emptied 6 times one day early in Air Venture due again to limited capacity. We are working on solutions as we speak.;)
Jerry and HBC volunteers,

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the hard work ya'll do to make Osh special! Jerry, thanks again for giving me an inside look at the day to day life of a HBC volunteer!

The showers were awesome, the air conditioned toilet was great (would love to have one of those bigger ones with many more holes).

I did see a really cute gal cleaning the shower one day and she was doing a very thorough job!

I agree that more spread around porta pots would be great but that would be nit picking and I need the exercise! My first experience camping at Osh was awesome!
Actually, I did see a truck on back to back nights. On Tuesday night around 9:00pm and again on Wednesday evening while a dozen or so of us were sitting at the tent enjoying conversation and a nice evening, the truck pulled up and began "cleaning" the toilets. Needless to say on those two nights for about 20-30 minutes there was an obnoxious odorous scent that sent many running for cover. They should really consider cleaning those things during the daytime hours when most everyone is out and about the grounds instead of at their tents or around the coffee tent.

I had a similar experience near the bus depot around 10pm on Tuesday night. As we rode away on the bus back to the dorms, we could see the septic tanker truck with a hose in the ground. It was one of the more putrid things I've smelled ever. It would seem the vendor needs to engage in vapor control somehow.
The reality is that poo stinks and people are poo manufacturers and Osh draws a ton of people and it has to be dealt with somehow sometime and that is never gonna be convenient. :p
Jerry, Jay and all the others, thanks for taking care of us. I don't know how you do it. I must be like herding cats trying to keep us all happy.

The important thing to me was that it was evident that EAA has heard our concerns and is actually moving in the right direction and I strongly suspect that you and your helpers have had a say in that.

I heard rumors from a good source that more improvements are in the works. I know we are just one planet in a really big universe called Oshkosh but I witnessed more directors listening to HBC attendees concerns and mingling with us common folk than in any of my previous 10 or so trips to Osh. Please convey my thanks on up the chain.

P.S. The sucker truck sucking during the night fireworks display while we were watching from the big tent really does suck. :)

Jerry, Jay and all the others, thanks for taking care of us. I don't know how you do it. I must be like herding cats trying to keep us all happy.

The important thing to me was that it was evident that EAA has heard our concerns and is actually moving in the right direction and I strongly suspect that you and your helpers have had a say in that.

I can't agree more.

Jerry, Jay, et al, thanks for what you do. And EAA Directors (and HB Council Members), thanks for paying attention.
Thank You Jerry,Jerry,Jay and all the others...
Met so many new folks. And some we have been liking for a couple years.

Smilin' Jack

You and everyone at EAA did a great job!

It was nice meeting you finally!

The portable showers were awesome!

Nice meeting everyone!

See you all next year!

:cool: CJ
Nice to meet you Jerry. We were the Georgia boys you met at the HBHQ on Monday before the social.

It was my first time at HBC. It was better than expected and now my preferred place. We usually stay at the college or in Green Bay.

Maybe I'll run in to you around the south before next year.
Jerry and crew,

Great job. The morning coffee was very welcome. The new showers were fantastic. But did the shower trailer vendor forget the riser platform on the sink side of the trailer? Those sinks were about 4 1/2 feet off the ground.
I fortunately ended up in row 307 without holding up 1, 2 or 3 fingers.

See ya'll next year.

Jerry and crew,

Great job. The morning coffee was very welcome. The new showers were fantastic. But did the shower trailer vendor forget the riser platform on the sink side of the trailer? Those sinks were about 4 1/2 feet off the ground.
I fortunately ended up in row 307 without holding up 1, 2 or 3 fingers.

See ya'll next year.
As one who is vertically challenged, I am with you & we will build some 8 inch
x 24 inch x 72 inch platforms if at all possible.:eek: