Well Known Member

I am hoping to be able to spend 10 days with my son in May who has spent a year at UT studying - and learning to fly ... So what interesting airport are there to visit ? ? We have about 10 days, and budgeted for about 1000 to 1500 miles radius. Interested in smaller airports ? Maybe possibility to camp ?

Any ideas are welcome !


Building a RV6 in England.
UT and Austin confused me

UT is "University of Texas" not "Utah". There are two SARL cross country air races in Texas in May. One is in Galvaston on the 19th and the other is in Terrell on the 26th. Details at www.sportairrace.org as we get closer. When I travel I like to see famous things and places but I'm not sure that is what you are interested in. Kansas City, Missouri has some fine museums, art, money, airlines, etc. but the WWI museum there is outstanding. President Harry Truman's Library is nearby in Independence. I just swung a 1500 mile arc from Austin and that hits the west at San Francisco and east at Philadelphia. It goes into Canada around Glacier National Park and a little beyond beyond Niagra Falls. That eliminates New York City, the New England states, most of Oregon (home of Van's Aircraft) and Washington but the rest of the country is open to you. While in Austin my wife and I enjoyed our visit to Presidet L.B. Johnson's museum. Southern Utah has five National parks that we enjoyed visiting. Bryce Canyon has a good airport and when we were there the lodge in the park would pick you up on the ramp. What interests you? The possibilities are endless given your range. I don't camp so I'm no help there.

Bob Axsom
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Your range certainly gives you lots of options. Here is one; fly west of Austin to New Orleans and then follow the mississippi north with stops at Memphis, and St.Louis. Head east from St.Louis past Indy and join us at Windsor, CYQG, Ontario Canada on May the 26th for the southern ontario stop of the RV1 at Windsor RV flyin that day. Once in Canada you can tour east past niagara falls cross back into the US and fly the Appalachians back down to Memphis and then back to Austin. Easily doable in 10 days and you would see some wonderful places.
Fredericksburg (T82) has the airport Hotel and the Airport diner. Close to downtown Fredericksburg.
Galveston (GLS) has the Lonestar flight museum. Moody Gardens is next to the field and lots to see on the island.
Thats just 2 I could think of of the top of my head. There are many more. Hope that helps.
If camping is your thing, there are several places where you fly-in and camp. The first one that comes to mind is F50, Lake Whitney. It is a state park. You just land, tie down your plane, walk across the street to the lake and camp. There are others very similar in both Oklahoma and Arkansas.
Within 1500 of Austin

If you like airshows in May, Central Texas Airshow will be held at Temple (TPL) on 4-6 May, and then Corisicana Airshow (CRS) will be 12 May. Falcon Flight will be performing at both.

Mustang Island Airport (RAS) is on the island across from Corpus Christi and has a tram that makes a round trip every hour around the Port Aransas (on the 45 at the airport).

Sedona AZ (SEZ) Airport sits on a mesa above town and has a motel up on the mesa with the airport. Drop dead gorgeous. You can also fly up to the Grand Canyon Airport (GCN).

Petit Jean Airport (MPJ) in AR has a camping area right on the side of the parking area at one end of the runway. Scenic and hiking.

Weatherford OK (OJA) has the Stafford Space Museum right on the ramp near the terminal.

Sedona AZ (SEZ) Airport sits on a mesa above town and has a motel up on the mesa with the airport. Drop dead gorgeous. You can also fly up to the Grand Canyon Airport (GCN).

On the way to Sedona you can camp in our spare bedrooms. We even have a runway outside for you to use....:)

We are about 800 sm from Austin.

PS I was also told that the new Sedona restaurant eliminated the on-airport motel - can anyone confirm that?
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I would like to know that too

On the way to Sedona you can camp in our spare bedrooms. We even have a runway outside for you to use....:)

We are about 800 sm from Austin.

PS I was also told that the new Sedona restaurant eliminated the on-airport motel - can anyone confirm that?

It was a good over night stop on the way to southern California. We liked the old restaurant also, sigh...

Bob Axsom
Go West, my friend

It's my bias but I would definately only fly to the west of Austin. The prettiest parts of the country are west of the 105th meridian. Close in camping not too far from Austin? Big Bend Ranch State Park. Camp, bunk house, or the main house all give a great experience in the American West. Of course, all of the western National Parks are spectacular places. And, Gil's suggestion of Sedona can't be beat!
Thanks for all the good ideas and travel location suggestions ? Especially to Gil for the offer of camping in his spare bedrooms (promise not to use pegs when setting up the tent ).

A visit to Canada is probably a bit to far this time around ? Will be looking at all the suggestions with my son once he is back from spring break. Been working on the tail cone on the RV6 today. Mainly making shims to get it all to line us smoothly.

Have a good weekend !

Cedar Mills (3T0) on the southwest end of Lake Texoma has camping, and cottages for overnight rental, right next to the runway (www.cedarmills.com).It's only a couple hundred miles north of Austin.

Thanks for all the suggestions on trip route – We have now mapped out our trip as shown above. We depart Austin if all is going to plan on the 22 May and plan to be back on the 31 May. Now we just have to hope for good weather and no technical problems (at least non that we can not solve !) It would have been great if we did the trip in a RV .. but still building here back in UK so it will have to be a Cessna 172 – But hope to see a few RV on our way – If it is convenient Gil, will take up your offer on a overnight stay.

The return will be similar to the outbond ... with some deviation.

Jan and Aksel
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With respect to seeing some RVs, I'll throw out the welcome mat.
If you have some time before the big trip, come on out to Lakeway (3R9). It would make a good test flight for the 172!
We have two flying RV's and would be happy to show them off and talk airplanes.
I would defiantly stop in St. George and visit Zion National Park. Also Moab the Canyonlands are spectacular.
On the way to Sedona you can camp in our spare bedrooms. We even have a runway outside for you to use....:)

We are about 800 sm from Austin.

PS I was also told that the new Sedona restaurant eliminated the on-airport motel - can anyone confirm that?

I flew to Sedona in March and the hotel was still open (and full). The new restaurant is good but a little pricey, good view of the runway though!
Your range certainly gives you lots of options. Here is one; fly west of Austin to New Orleans and then follow the mississippi north with stops at Memphis, and St.Louis. Head east from St.Louis past Indy and join us at Windsor, CYQG, Ontario Canada on May the 26th for the southern ontario stop of the RV1 at Windsor RV flyin that day. Once in Canada you can tour east past niagara falls cross back into the US and fly the Appalachians back down to Memphis and then back to Austin. Easily doable in 10 days and you would see some wonderful places.

If you fly west of Austin to New Orleans, it will be about 26,500 miles. Give or take.

East is probably quicker, and Lakefront (KNEW) is convenient.

Gaston's aerodrome in north arkansas is nice, and they have cabins on the White river.

I agree with soem of the recommendations for the desert southwest. The scenery is spectacular, and utterly unlike anything in the UK

Also, depending on what equipment you're flying, density altitude will have an entirely new meaning for someone used to flying from sea level airports. Be careful ;)
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Fuel stops

I have done the flight you are proposing several times in both an RV-6 and a Bonanza, and have found good fuel stops at Pecos, TX (KPEQ), and Wilcox, AZ (P33). The people there are helpful, have good fuel prices, and are anxious to share some of their homemade burritos.
Thanks for all the suggestions on trip route ? We have now mapped out our trip as shown above. We depart Austin if all is going to plan on the 22 May and plan to be back on the 31 May. Now we just have to hope for good weather and no technical problems (at least non that we can not solve !) It would have been great if we did the trip in a RV .. but still building here back in UK so it will have to be a Cessna 172 ? But hope to see a few RV on our way ? If it is convenient Gil, will take up your offer on a overnight stay.

The return will be similar to the outbond ... with some deviation.

Jan and Aksel

When are you planning on being in the Tucson area? I'm planning to be in Phoenix 5/25-5/29. If Gil will let me, maybe I could escape the in-laws for one morning and fly down to Tucson and check out La Cholla while you are there too.
When are you planning on being in the Tucson area? I'm planning to be in Phoenix 5/25-5/29. If Gil will let me, maybe I could escape the in-laws for one morning and fly down to Tucson and check out La Cholla while you are there too.

Should be doable... we will have other UK visitors around that time, but I've arranged a nice casita on the airpark for Jan and his son.

Send me an e-mail gilalex at q dot com
A big thank you to everyone who came up with suggestions for our trip, and especially to Gil who opened his door for us and had us staying for a few days. It was lots to see and do. The flying was great fun - even if it was in a 172, and not a RV :) ... I just have to get back to UK to get it finished off.
