lorne green

Well Known Member
I have a friend Ken, with a flying 7. He finished his 7 with a 180hp slider two years ago. Every so often Ken will swing by. I ALWAYS have a building question for him. He always has a inteligent answer. Yesterday's visit included another visit of my shop where my wings sit in their cradles. He commented on something he saw during his last visit and wanted to take another look. My Trio A/P servo installed in my right wing had two anomalies which he saw as potential issues.
(I'll correct these this weekend:))
Now, Ken installed his Trio A/P and Trio Alt/hold a few months ago and is impressed it's abilities. So while explaining some of the Trio's impressive functions, he said why don't we just go flying and I'll show you how they work. Now I've flown with Ken a bunch of times in the past and had just the day before rented a 172, just to keep current. So it's not that I'm wowed by flight or that - "super RV ride"... done that before, but rather I'm wowed by a friend that would take time to drop by to see how things were going. A friend that's "been there..done that", with the ability to critique workmanship in a tactfull way and knows what's needed to help keep that interest going. My point? It's people, other RV builders, involved with your build that can and do make the process of building a RV over a period of years, more do-able. I don't think I would call Ken my builder "mentor" (yet). You know I'm only a third way through this...so I figure Ken's still got lots of answers to my RV questions. So their's still time.:) Thanks again Ken