
Well Known Member
Hello again everyone, anyone care to share some tent camping friendly airports in South Dakota, Minnesota and Wisconsin? I suppose I could start calling some airport managers but I'm betting you guys out there already know where you are staying.

I don't yet know if I can make it into Osh Friday evening (weather dependent) so I am trying to figure out where I should plan on staying. Most likely Minnesota if weather or time limits us. Thanks guys!
Pit stop to OSH

Hi Jereme,you’re welcome to stop at KAUW,(Wausau Downtown Airport and park by our hangar.Short flight to Osh from here.We have bathroom and shower inside and a sofa sleeper to sleep on.Going to be busy,Ercoupe convention starting Thursday and the cup racers are arriving Saturday.Happy to have company.

Hi Jereme! Ykn is good, you can camp, they normally have free food, courtesy cars if you want to go to town.
Gregory SD 9D1

Last year I pitched my tent overnight at Gregory SD, 9D1. They don't advertise camping, but I called the airport manager to check. He was fine with it. Suggest you do the same ahead of time and when you arrive. Pretty good little pilot building accessible 24x7. Courtesy car. The 2 lane road not far away has quite a bit of overnight truck traffic, so you may want to grab your earplugs in case it starts bothering you in the middle of the night.
Thanks everyone, especially for the personal offer David!

Anyone have anything for Minnesota? I'm betting that is the most likely if I run out of daylight.
Thanks everyone, especially for the personal offer David!

Anyone have anything for Minnesota? I'm betting that is the most likely if I run out of daylight.

I'm at Alexandria MN (AXN), I have family in that weekend so probably couldn't be very social, and the spare bedroom is taken. I'm sure the airport manager Kreg wouldn't mind a tent and I can leave an extra vehicle out there if you need.

edited to add: if you're looking for something more on your direct line, https://www.dot.state.mn.us/aero/airportdirectory/ is an airport directory by MN DOT, it lists if the airport allows under wing camping.
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Hello again everyone, anyone care to share some tent camping friendly airports in South Dakota, Minnesota and Wisconsin? I suppose I could start calling some airport managers but I'm betting you guys out there already know where you are staying.

I don't yet know if I can make it into Osh Friday evening (weather dependent) so I am trying to figure out where I should plan on staying. Most likely Minnesota if weather or time limits us. Thanks guys!

You can access the Minnesota 2021 Airport Directory and Travel Guide at https://www.dot.state.mn.us/aero/ai...Directory_and_Travel_Guide_25MAR21_lowres.pdf. Airport entries indicate if airfield camping is allowed.
Thanks everyone, especially for the personal offer David!

Anyone have anything for Minnesota? I'm betting that is the most likely if I run out of daylight.

I suspect that there isn't a little airport in Minnesota that would tell you "no camping" next to your plane, but you'd likely want something with a crew car and some infrastructure for some amenities. Alexandria is a very nice little airport in that regard, but if you find yourself at Brainerd KBRD or Aitkin KAIT somehow (right in the middle of the state), let me know and I'll buy you dinner.
Granite Falls

Granite Falls is closer to your line of flight but will require extra time . Friends stopped there for fuel and discovered the museum. Fagen Fighters WWII museum. Look them up. It looks impressive and fuel prices are reasonable and would be a good stop for your planes fuel range. Give them a call and see if they allow camping.
Granite Falls is closer to your line of flight but will require extra time . Friends stopped there for fuel and discovered the museum. Fagen Fighters WWII museum. Look them up. It looks impressive and fuel prices are reasonable and would be a good stop for your planes fuel range. Give them a call and see if they allow camping.

Fagen's Fighters is the most amazing WWII aviation museum I've ever seen. It's an awesome story!


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Thanks everyone, I think we have a plan A B and C now. :D Your help was most valuable! Big thanks to those that offered a personal contact, I will drop you a PM if we go that route. Thanks again!

You can access the Minnesota 2021 Airport Directory and Travel Guide at https://www.dot.state.mn.us/aero/ai...Directory_and_Travel_Guide_25MAR21_lowres.pdf. Airport entries indicate if airfield camping is allowed.

Wow, I wish every state had something as detailed as this!!! That document is really really awesome!
3T3 Boyceville Wi

Boyceville WI has a campground right next to the airport. I can probably snag you a hangar spot overnight if you would like. There’s places to get food within walking distance and you’re about an hour from Oshkosh at RV speeds if you want to get a jump on the next day. We’re driving to Oshkosh on Monday, so if you’re coming through before that you’re even welcome to stay with my wife and I, provided dogs and cats don’t bother you.

Reach out via PM if interested.
Thanks again guys. This is going to be a play it be ear kind of trip. I have a feeling t-storms are going to dictate where we end up.
Thanks again guys. This is going to be a play it be ear kind of trip. I have a feeling t-storms are going to dictate where we end up.

I confess to mixed emotions about the expected weather during the Airventure week. I would certainly hate for it to intrude on you folks going to Oshkosh, but here in central Minnesota we really need the rain, and a gullywasher or two would not be unwelcome.

(I’m certain that I’d feel differently if was making that trip…)
Be warned that we've had IFR conditions on and off over the past few weeks due to Canadian forest fire smoke wafting into MN.
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Be warned that we've had IFR conditions one and off over the past few weeks due to Canadian forest fire smoke wafting into MN.

Absolutely. Hard IFR yesterday...visibility yesterday at KBRD was 3/4 mile and being outside smelled like being inside a burning house.

It's better today, but northerly winds over the next few days aren't going to help.
Absolutely. Hard IFR yesterday...visibility yesterday at KBRD was 3/4 mile and being outside smelled like being inside a burning house.

It's better today, but northerly winds over the next few days aren't going to help.

It's even making its way down to IL. Surface vis was 9 yesterday, but at 2500 it couldn't have been better than 4 or 5.
