
Well Known Member
I've been amazingly blessed in my lifetime to see alot of the world go by under "laughter silvered wings" friendly and not so friendly skies notwithstanding. So many adventures, close calls, long scary nights over Iraq in the F-16 and hours upon end hauling passengers across the US.
And of course, more trips in different RV's than I can count, or recount. :)
But I digress..
Recently, a chance to inspect and deliver a 9A from Coastal Oregon to a customer flying from my hometown airport in FL was too tempting. Another RV trans-Con? OK, twist my arm, I'll do it!!!
The Longest Day...
All the stars aligned, weather fronts aside and length of daylight diminished, the plan was a go. I traveled to Oregon, was treated to amazing hospitality by the owner and after a test flight and cursory inspection, my customer pulled the trigger. I was a go for the Trans-Con tomorrow!

Friday the 13th dawned cloudy and cool over Coos Bay with the smell of the Pacific Ocean permeating my Hotel room. After clamoring downstairs, printing out an FAA Bill O' Sale I climbed in the owners car for a quick drive to the airport. The 9A was pre-flighted, my meager stuff stowed and a glance at My Radar App and I was off...
The 9A surprised me. I have never flown one longer than a few minutes on a pre-buy, it wasn't my favorite member of the family. Not aesthetically pleasing was a nice term. Big, gangly rudder, long, fat wings with tall gear and an almost milk-stool/Tri-Pacer look to it. Oh boy...
However comma, that all changed as I climbed out and began a 10 hour day. The way this model was constructed couldn't have been more like my own RV's. Light, simple, VFR panel with a Narrow Deck 0-320 and Catto out front.

150HP 9A performance: Climbing at 1000FPM at 120 Knots...Hmmm. Level at 11,500 it seems to be right at home, 7.5 GPH at 155 KTAS...Hmmmm Cockpit is larger than the other RV's and rides, well, smooth. Hmmm...(Overall it would deliver an astounding 155KTAS at 6.9GPH and easily leap 543NM< on one of the 3 legs.)
The Longest Day was eased a bit by perfect weather, smooth air and gorgeous scenery. I also chose to land at different airports than I have the previous trip. It's habit I've had since my teens flying our family Taylorcraft. I wasn't disappointed, despite being deserted and presumably dead, GA still has some sweet and gorgeous hideaways in the US I continue to discover. Nearly 11 hours and 1394 Nautical Miles later I clicked on the lights at my home strip and completed the mission. More memories logged...Now to FL..
Here are a few pics...

Oregon Home

OR Coast

Mt Shasta

Continental Divide

Bryce Canyon NP

Blanding UT

My TX Driveway

Gentlemen, I am continually reminded of the freedoms we enjoy here in the US every day. I am also aware of what myself and my bros were fighting for all those years.
It's right under our nose...

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Glad to hear a nice review on the 9 Smokey. A rare one from an exceptional airman who flew them all. Confess did you roll her? :)
-9 Review from Smokeyray

I looking forward to reading more about the -9 review. Spending several days in the saddle of the -9 should give a good perspective. I'll be watching this thread with interest. 👍
Flying across this great county and visiting new airports is one of the things I enjoy most about flying. I love these long trips. You're right, folks are missing it if they never venture very far from home.
Friday 13 November...

0800 - Kissimmee, briefing, kit up, pulled out of the hangar, fired up, off we went.

30 minutes of pure magic in Crazy Horse 2.

Just saying like :D

Repeat offender btw ;)


Great trip writeup and pix. But, the Oregon coast shot looks like you were headed forJapan... or Hawaii??



PS Thankx so much for your service.
over the pacific?


Great trip writeup and pix. But, the Oregon coast shot looks like you were headed forJapan... or Hawaii??



PS Thankx so much for your service.

Maybe he really went the "long way around"? If so he's got a LOT more pix to post. New owner better check the Hobbs! <grin>
Thanks for report on a 150hp 9a. It's what I am building and am glad to hear I won't be disappointed. From what I'd read I'd thought it might not get off the runway!



Great trip write up and pix. But, the Oregon coast shot looks like you were headed for Japan... or Hawaii??



PS Thankx so much for your service.

The thought was there, for a second....:)
Next time...

PS: UR welcome!

Great report Smokey! Anything to report from the second half of the flight to Florida?

Looks more like Bandon By The Sea as a posed to North Bend Municipal/Coos Bay. I grew up flying the Oregon coast.
The end is near...

Great report Smokey! Anything to report from the second half of the flight to Florida?

Looks more like Bandon By The Sea as a posed to North Bend Municipal/Coos Bay. I grew up flying the Oregon coast.

Hi Russ,
You are correct sir, the journey began at Bandon by the sea, a great location and one I shall return to, someday. The trip East was epic, the last leg was just that, one leg. TX-FL in one hop, the 9 being a miserly cross country wonder, at 11,500' and leaned out, the Catto Gen-3 and 0-320 Dash Nada are perfectly in sync. 7 GPH at 162 KTAS and landed near the Gulf Coast with nearly 600 miles behind me and 14 gallons still unused.

The entourage' assembled at my home airport on arrival was like a long overdue homecoming of people who influenced me as a kid. Time stood still...
One of them was The honorable "R.H." (the new owner and yes, he's a judge) and some passerby right after a quick (thrown in the deep end) check out!

The RV grin is perpetual, and contagious!

PS: Yep, I'm a 9 fan now, for all the right reasons.
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Thanks for the trip write up and best wishes on your next adventure.
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