
Not sure of the decorum here, but thought I would ask. Anyone in NW DFW area looking to do some flying on Friday afternoon? I haven?t actually had a flight in an RV and while I am 100% confident that I will love it, would still like to go up in one before actually ordering a kit. I will of course spring for fuel costs and lunch.
Not sure of the decorum here, but thought I would ask. Anyone in NW DFW area looking to do some flying on Friday afternoon? I haven?t actually had a flight in an RV and while I am 100% confident that I will love it, would still like to go up in one before actually ordering a kit. I will of course spring for fuel costs and lunch.

Afternoons get a little hot and bumpy, maybe some morning I could help out.
Not sure of the decorum here, but thought I would ask. Anyone in NW DFW area looking to do some flying on Friday afternoon? I haven?t actually had a flight in an RV and while I am 100% confident that I will love it, would still like to go up in one before actually ordering a kit. I will of course spring for fuel costs and lunch.

Did you mention FUEL and FOOD? I will be heading your way shortly. :D

Just kidding Tim welcome to the obsession I see you are interested in a 14. Jokes aside just get the first kit and start pounding those rivets. You can always sell for the price of parts if life gets in the way. :)

Afternoons get a little hot and bumpy, maybe some morning I could help out.

Hey Walt!

Thanks, if we need to do it in the morning, and I totally understand the reasons, perhaps next Friday? (6 Sept) I will be dropping the truck off at the Dodge dealership there off Golden Triangle and I can?t think of a better way to ?wait? for it to be done. Let me know what you think! By he way, thanks again for have my son and I out to your shop!
Did you mention FUEL and FOOD? I will be heading your way shortly. :D

Just kidding Tim welcome to the obsession I see you are interested in a 14. Jokes aside just get the first kit and start pounding those rivets. You can always sell for the price of parts if life gets in the way. :)

LOL, come on down Vlad! Thanks, I am going to be getting that first kit just as soon as I can get my motorcycle sold.
Just order the tail kit NOW. It is almost zero risk. I'll personally come up there if you don't get any takers before your wing kit arrives :). We'll go for a very expensive airplane ride.
Hey Walt!

Thanks, if we need to do it in the morning, and I totally understand the reasons, perhaps next Friday? (6 Sept) I will be dropping the truck off at the Dodge dealership there off Golden Triangle and I can?t think of a better way to ?wait? for it to be done. Let me know what you think! By he way, thanks again for have my son and I out to your shop!

I actually have some work scheduled for that day but I'm sure we can figure something out. Shoot me an email and we'll work on it.