
Well Known Member
I recently purchased a flying RV-4 (and am building another one, just for giggles) that has no means of getting fresh air in with the canopy closed. I noticed in the November Kitplanes in an article by Paul Dye on his RV-3 canopy latch there was a Van's CA LV-3 near the canopy handle. Paul mentioned that it doesn't work well where it is currently located.

While most people don't think of the Pacific Northwet as a place where one needs over large amounts of fresh air it can get down right uncomfortable during those 2 weeks of summer we get. Why, some days it can hit almost 80degrees!

What have others found successful in getting fresh air into a -4, particularly in flight at lower altitides and airspeeds. Has anyone used the RV-12 style flat doors?

The air up there...

What have others found successful in getting fresh air into a -4, particularly in flight at lower altitides and airspeeds. Has anyone used the RV-12 style flat doors?Thanks

Good question Steve, been coming up alot over the 20 years I built and flew my RV4. Here is a great thread covering it well. Search "RV Vents" above and a plethora of good information will spring forth...

Dues gladly paid in Iraq...
Gladly paid to DR anyway...
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RV-4 cooling

Hi Steve,

I agree, the little vents on the canopy frame don't work well. I went with a NACA duct below each cowl cheek extension connected to a two-inch diameter SCAT hose.

These then route to metal SteinAir vents in a panel between my legs (under the instrument panel). They provide very good airflow, and I usually angle them towards the back if I have a passenger.

Even on 100 degree days (I live in Texas) I always ask my pax how the air is in the back, and I never get a complaint. If I'm solo, I get PLENTY of air.

