
Well Known Member
As stated on the OSH thread we decided to come up with a way to better direct the side vent air. When flying in really hot weather it always seems better when the vent air blows into your face even if its hot. So this is our first prototype of something that we came up with. Is this something you guys might be interested in. It is still aways out before the final product.:cool:

Hairy legs need lots of breeze too!

On the trip to OSH I removed the side panels that shape a netting around the air vent door...what a difference. I am very happy with lots of airflow on a warm Oregon afternoon (80F) and the netting being removed makes a huge difference.

I fly only from the right seat and am a gimp on the left leg so lots of breeze is best for me. I think the vent would actually restrict some flow at the greatest volume setting. It looks good, though, so I won't pre-judge...onward!

Jay Sluiter
Albany, OR
80 is chilly if you are flying in AZ, I say scrap the air vent and design a 10 lb AC unit with no performance penalty and I am in :)

On the trip to OSH I removed the side panels that shape a netting around the air vent door...what a difference. I am very happy with lots of airflow on a warm Oregon afternoon (80F) and the netting being removed makes a huge difference.

I fly only from the right seat and am a gimp on the left leg so lots of breeze is best for me. I think the vent would actually restrict some flow at the greatest volume setting. It looks good, though, so I won't pre-judge...onward!

Jay Sluiter
Albany, OR
Swamp Cooler

John, Rig it up with a compartment for water and filter element: RV-12 Swamp Cooler.

100F at 11AM
oil temp top o' the green @ 3,500MSL cruise
More weight, (or at least clutter) less space is not where I want to go (sorry for being a critic). Also directing air blast in your face invites things getting in eye, or eyes which is very undesirable during flight. Only problem I have with the vents is fact that passenger side can't be adjusted in flight by pilot. It CAN be opened with right foot carefully, but not adjusted to smaller flow or closed. Need some kind of arm or cable for that one. (more clutter). Anyone deal with this approach yet?
Dick Seiders
Always a Critic!

On the trip to OSH I removed the side panels that shape a netting around the air vent door...what a difference. I am very happy with lots of airflow on a warm Oregon afternoon (80F) and the netting being removed makes a huge difference.

I figured this out to. I guess if you think about it the screen cuts down on 50% of the air flow. This was a problem on the vents but we have figured out a way to get good flow through them.;)

I say scrap the air vent and design a 10 lb AC unit with no performance penalty and I am in

The problem here is Amperage, we dont have enough.:eek:

Rig it up with a compartment for water and filter element: RV-12 Swamp Cooler

Wish I could, water is heavy.:confused:

More weight, (or at least clutter) less space is not where I want to go (sorry for being a critic). Also directing air blast in your face invites things getting in eye, or eyes which is very undesirable during flight. Only problem I have with the vents is fact that passenger side can't be adjusted in flight by pilot. It CAN be opened with right foot carefully, but not adjusted to smaller flow or closed. Need some kind of arm or cable for that one. (more clutter). Anyone deal with this approach yet?

Different stokes for different folks.:rolleyes: You will be able to point the pass side vent at you when flying alone. With the vents in place you will still be able to open and close the outer doors with a small push rod. You must have short arms. :) (Just kidding) They weigh very little. I love critics,,,,Not. (Just kidding again) Thats why I put out the teaser.
Please clarify - how do you open the vent door with this in place? Or is it removed, just leaving a hole and you close the round vent unit? Doesn't seem like that would let in as much air without the deployed door deflecting it into the cabin. But, I am not flying yet...
The door stay in place.

Yes the original RV12 door remains in place. A push rod assembly on a ball link that attaches to the metal door arm moves it. You will see it when you come down for training. That way you can give us some feed back on it. ;)

Oh a VERY early Post I'm sure someone fitted RV 10 Ball Air Vents I'm sure there Available from Vans.......