This was my first ever RV flight, and boy did it knock it out of the park! Thanks for the comments folks!

Freedom Flight truly are a superb bunch of dudes! In 6+ years of professional aviation, this was the most fun I've EVER had in an airplane!
Thanks for the video! Nicely done. I always want to go flying after watching RV videos.
Maybe tomorrow if the winds calm down a little...:rolleyes:
very nice.
I'd like to find some fellow rv'ers in my part of ontario to knock that out a bit.
There are a bunch of RVers in the Ottawa area. Many of us use the OttawaRV Google Group to communicate. You'll need to be a group member to get any of the messages.

I flew a bit of formation in the military, many, many years ago. I thinking of doing some recurrent formation training, but it would be good to find a few other RVers in the Ottawa area who are interesting in doing some formation flying. I'm based in Smiths Falls. Where are you based?
Yep, those are.........

my buddies at Conroe. They won't let me play any reindeer games yet cause I just go my license, but they are really inspiring to watch. They do a great job, and are super friends.
Very good video!! I remember you taping for this! I rode with Hacksaw in the evening footage for the Bentwater flyover.
Thanks Stephen!.. Spent too long on the cutting room floor. Hoping to get back again this July for more RV fun with the fellas!
Hi Avenging Angel,
I actually manage the OttawaRV google group. Did you send a request to join? I got a request from an unrecognized email address... i replied to the author to ask for identification but haven't heard back.
I'm in Smiths Falls as well, and would be very interested in learning formation flying.