
Well Known Member
Before taking off to fly home today, I noticed the leading edge of the wings, front of the wheelpants, under the cowl etc had a yucky coating of bug remains. I normally clean every few flights, but I let it go a little too long.

Dodging little buildups on the way home (KEYQ -> 2TX1) I spotted a nice light green area on the Nexrad and decided, what they hey, lets at least rinse this baby off.

As I got closer, it appeared a little too dark for my taste so I deviated to go around and an outlier of the shower dropped some heavy rain on me for about 3 minutes.

I could see the bugs getting scrubbed off the windshield!

When I landed, sure enough, 90% (or more) of the bug remains were gone.

I guess those raindrops really pack a punch when you're going 190+ mph!

Just another benefit of flying an RV, eh?
I did that once in a 172, lost about 4000 feet in around 60-70 seconds. I won't be repeating that any time soon.
Its really hard on the prop too.

I'm sure that the occasional....3 minutes is probably not that big of a deal though. Avoiding dark clouds is always good though!
120 mph hurts too

Skydiving in a light rain hurts any exposed skin, and you're only doing about 120 mph... It stings! We used to tell the newbies the reason it hurts is that you fall faster than the rain, so you're hitting the pointy side of the rain drops! :D More than a few fell for it! (pun intended)
Getting sandblasted by ice crystals on a skydive also hurt, but not as much as rain did.

This probably doesn't come up much in Texas, but on winter jumps here you pick your days.
One of those mysteries of life

How come the rain will take the paint off your wing but leave the bird poop?
Leading edge tape

I installed 3M clear leading edge tape on my 9A. The bugs come right off with a little water, but some Honkin' big bug with yellow guts leaves orange stains on the tape, but washes right off of the urethane single stage paint. Also, if you get any fuel on the tape, it will stain blue. Really disappionted with the performance of this very expensive stuff.
My advice, save your money, or use the black stuff if your paint scheme will work with black leading edges.
2 cents,
Hmmm....I've been washing my airplanes that way for years, and have never done any damage to the paint or the (metal) props. Of course, you have to pick your showers, keep good visibilities, and do all those other safety things. Hint: if you see even a TRACE of anything turbulent in the bottom of the clouds, stay away! ;)
Murphy's Law!

How come the rain will take the paint off your wing but leave the bird poop?
For that, you'll have to ask Mr. Murphy.
BTW, It's pretty well known that if you wash the bugs off the same day, they come off much easier.
"Never let a bug spend the night on your airplane."