Wow - that really is cool (me being an occasional cheepskate....and also forgetful when it comes to renewing subscriptions....). Now we need Doug to remind us whenever the new edition is on line!

Free? I send Vans plenty of money. UPS guy just dropped offf another package today.

One of the best things was the New 2008 calendar. I felt like Steve Martin yelling "the new phone book is here":D
Me Too, Fuselage shipped

Talked to shipping today, my RV8 fuselage shipped today. I love the RVator and look forward to not having to re order. Hope the fuse. sale helps pay for e-RVator's.

By the way, if you work for a large company with corporate shipping discounts, see if you can use the corp rate. My shipment to south Florida went from ~$600 to ~$175 using Pratt Whitney's corp rate.
The value of the RVator has mostly been replaced by VAF and the Internet in general. It's unusual now to get substantial information for building from it. That said, I love Ken Scott's writing.
The value of the RVator has mostly been replaced by VAF and the Internet in general. It's unusual now to get substantial information for building from it. That said, I love Ken Scott's writing.

Yes, but for the people not building later prepunched kits, the 24 years (I think 27 now) of RVator is great. The older RVator's dealt with actually building airplanes (not that the prepunched kit isn't building, just a different set of obstacles). I look through that book before searching the web when I have a question about building. The later RVavtor's seem to be a little more of a social newsletter. And using the internet to find good info, well, it's the internet.

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Oshkosh on your desktop...

I think the very best building resource we have is right here on VAF. Its very cool to see a guy like Doug step up to the plate and run a service as complex as this for us. VAF is like having Oshkosh on your desktop!

But, a very nice move from Vans. I'll re-up now.
And using the internet to find good info, well, it's the internet.

I have to say the Internet, next to calling Van's tech support, IS the best and most convenient source of information for RV builders. It doesn't take too long to figure out which sites and which builders are the ones worth paying attention to and which ones aren't.

Given how valuable it has become, it makes me much more impressed by those builders who built before the Internet.

I have nothing bad to say about RVers who've worked hard to make 'the net the most valuable building tool since clecos.

The ironic thing is on sunday I put together a list of things not to spend money on in '08, to free up more cash for the RV, and RVator was on the list. so, yeah, like Doug says... win/win.