
Well Known Member
I'm proud to announce that the International Aerobatic Club (IAC) is now an advertiser on Van's Air Force. IAC is continuing it's popular "Join for Free" campaign. With a free 6-month membership you will get access to the digital archive of Sport Aerobatics magazine and access to the entire web site where you can find aerobatic instruction in your area and a wealth of information on getting started in one of the most challenging and fun sports in all of aviation.

You may recognize the RV featured in the IAC banner ad. That's Jerry Esquenazi"s beautiful RV-8, also pictured below. Jerry is new to IAC competition aerobatics and has managed to bring home a second place trophy in the Sportsman category at his second competition at Dunnellon, Florida this Spring.

Not sure if IAC competition is for you? Only about 10% of IAC members participate in competitive aerobatics! Many are there to volunteer at IAC events as judges, starters, registrars, tech inspectors, etc. They just want to be a part of the events and enjoy the social aspects of IAC participation. There are IAC events that reward your passion for aerobatics in non-competitive ways that also improve your piloting skills such as the IAC Achievement Awards program. There is something for everyone in IAC!

Still not sure if aerobatic competition is for you? Join me at the IAC Pavilion at AirVenture 2017. I will be giving a forum presentation on Friday, July 28th at 10:00AM on "What to Expect at Your First IAC Contest". Following the forum I'll be available to field any questions.

Your first step is to take advantage of the 6-month free membership in IAC. I hope you will join us.
This is great Ron! I'm glad to see IAC officially represented on VAF. Way to go!

Because I like free stuff, I took advantage of this promotion last year and never looked back! It was the final little push I needed to get started with this wonderful, absolutely amazing hobby/sport. Now I'm proud dues paying IAC member.

Why don't you do the same?!!! I promise you, that if you already enjoy doing aerobatics or your interested in aerobatics, you're going to have FUN :), become a better pilot, learn about your airplane and yourself, and socialize with a fantastic group of pilots and make some new friends.

Don't know if competition is for you? Come out and watch a contest or get involved in a practice day! Don't know if aerobatics is for you? Get an intro lesson with a competent and qualified aerobatic instructor preferably in a Super Decathlon or take an upset recovery course. You will never look at the world the same!