Tony Partain

Well Known Member
Gentleman I'm looking for some ideas for a charity event for Oshkosh this summer. My first though was to just give away shipping on a kit, but I would like to make this more that a benefit to just one person. We have the greatest hobby in the world so lets give something back. My second thought is to give 50% off of the shipping on a QB and Partain Transport donating the remainder to a charity. Another option is to do a raffle and free shipping.I am open for suggestions. Should we donate the money to Young Eagles? Judging by the diversity in the What do you do thread and the names for Doug's dog this should be easy. Let it Fly! :D
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How about donating the funds from a delivery to a charity? You could have a money drive along the route of the trip to collect further funds. Just one guys thoughts.
I like the raffle ticket idea

I like the raffle ticket idea, with all the proceeds going to a specific charity. Maybe something for soldier's family's. I have a fuse kit shipment coming up soon. Not sure if you ship SB kits, but if you did I would buy a raffle ticket if I knew it was going to a good charity.

I'm sure if you have a booth up at Van's tent during SnF and Oshkosh you could get quite a collection of funds for a good cause.
I'm sure if you have a booth up at Van's tent during SnF and Oshkosh you could get quite a collection of funds for a good cause.[/QUOTE]

Great idea but I do believe Oshkosh and SNF have a restriction on what you can do with your individual booth. Any vendors care to comment?

Dana Overall
Richmond, KY i39
RV-7, Black Magic


A great idea. Good on you. I agree with Cam that it would be good to select a charity that supports our troops. Two of those come to mind.

There is another that I personally like even better, altough I do not recall the name of it. That charity provides help to the families of wounded military members who travel to visit their wounded family members in military hospital. Many of those families don't have a lot of money and the travel is expensive. Can you imagine a young man or woman wounded in combat who would like to see their mom or dad, but can't because the family lacks the travel funds!

If you decide to support either of these charities I will send you $100 and I don't even care about the raffle ticket. My RV is already in my garage.

I will talk to Vans and see if we can collect money at OSH if not it could be done through our office easily enough. We could do the drawing at OSH even if we can't accept money there. I like the idea about a military donation, after all without them would we be having fun right now? Doubt it. We would need some means of keeping it fresh in peoples minds.
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From what I've gathered so far we need to have the money collected before OSH. Its a sticky situation at OSH. So we can handle this through our office. We will provide each donation with a numbered receipt

My thoughts are leaning toward a raffle with free shipping. This would be transferable so if you didn't have a kit coming you could still resell it to a future kit owner.

As far as a charity I would like to do a poll on several charities so that we can decide as a community.

What would be a fair price for a ticket?

The announcement would be made at the Vans banquet at OSH.
Take your ads out of this message board

Your advertisements should be in the classifieds. You have now blasted your business across the yahoo groups I see. ENOUGH ALREADY. You have been banned from any yahoo group I have control over.

Please go peddle your business elsewhere. Dont clog up message boards to get business. ARGH! :mad:

I sorry that you feel this way, Partain Transport isn't looking for advertisement we have an ad on this website and business has been pretty good. So we are looking for a way to give back to a charity. We really don't need any extra press as we are booked solid for the next three months. Just looking for a way to do some good for someone who may need it. :D
Kahuna said:
Your advertisements should be in the classifieds. You have now blasted your business across the yahoo groups I see. ENOUGH ALREADY. You have been banned from any yahoo group I have control over.

Please go peddle your business elsewhere. Dont clog up message boards to get business. ARGH! :mad:

Yeah, Tony. Stop being such a big, fat jerk. There's nothing that makes my blood boil more than someone trying to give away services in order to raise money for charity. Next, you'll be helping old ladies across the street. Shame on you.

Whoooooo Nelly!!! Hold on there amigos!

Before the back and forth starts I need to inject here that I gave Tony permission to post this charity listing (he asked and we exchanged a couple of emails).

If a business owner wants to post a note about a special (or anything) they certainly have my permisison. A typical example: the free polish your plane offer that Nuvite posted today (link).

There you go, pardner. Straight from the horse's mouth ;) .


PS: I understand Kahuna's viewpoint, as I've seen some message boards really get clogged before from vendors (car boards, music stuff, etc.). It can gum up really quick if there isn't an understanding. Want to see rules gone crazy on a message board? Look at this iPod site's rules - they use the same forum software as us. Kind of makes my 'keep it civil' rule look better, huh <g>?
How to collect & draw

Tony, I think you need to take the raffle ticket funds via mail. I personally will not be in attendance at OSH and I?m sure many others will not be either. You would be able to collect much more via mail and possible keep a ticker going on this site for a total received. Possibly the drawing could be held at OSH. The travel fund for solders families has my vote.

You can?t please all the people all the time.

Roger Ping
Rv-9 85 + hrs