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Well Known Member
This is a 35 minute video in .MOV format that Mattituck put out a few years back showing the assembly of a Lycoming IO-360 for your viewing pleasures. I posted it to my Dropbox, all you have to do is click on the link below and download the video. It is 80.53MB and I tried emailing it to other users that requested it, but the file was too large. Enjoy…:D

This Link has been deleted until further information can be obtained from the author of the video.
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I'll be rebuilding one of these soon (with an A&P by my side), so I'll probably watch this several times in the near future.

Thanks much,

Gold Star

Way to go Randy. I can remember getting those Gold Stars in school.
"Your turn.....!" Yours as always R.E.A. III # 80888

I just want to say how happy and proud of our community I am. I just received an email from my host for the video Dropbox saying "Your Public links have been temporarily suspended for generating excessive traffic." The daily public download limit for the free account which I am using is 20GB. At 80.5MB a pop, that's more than 254 downloads today before 7pm. Talk about impressive. I was able to get the suspension lifted after begging. :p So if someone else has that ablility to post another link of the video from a file sharing host to help maintain the current link that would be helpful and appreciated. Maybe DR or a Moderator can load it up on here somewhere to make it available if they lock my account up again.

Thanks for getting it turned on again .. I'm looking forward to watching it!
I have a Mattituck IO360, it would be great to be able to open this link. Can it be formatted in a compressed file. It just wont open for me.. Thanks, Mark C. RV9A 119RV.
I have a Mattituck IO360, it would be great to be able to open this link. Can it be formatted in a compressed file. It just wont open for me.. Thanks, Mark C. RV9A 119RV.

I just tried it with no issues, I am not sure how to compress it. Send me a PM and I will try to and email it to you unless someone else on here already knows how and could easily accomplish it.
Link deleted until verification - sorry, I thought it was indeed a free-to-share version.
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I know it's a lot more expensive than a free Mattituck video, but if you ever have the chance to go to the Lycoming Piston Engine Service School and do both the classroom and engine disassembly/reassembly course, I would highly recommend it. I came out of school very confident in my ability to completely tear down, inspect, and correctly reassemble a Lycoming 320/360 series engine. Plus, I learned a lot of tips and tricks from the pros there.
I just want to say how happy and proud of our community I am. I just received an email from my host for the video Dropbox saying "Your Public links have been temporarily suspended for generating excessive traffic." The daily public download limit for the free account which I am using is 20GB. At 80.5MB a pop, that's more than 254 downloads today before 7pm. Talk about impressive. I was able to get the suspension lifted after begging. :p So if someone else has that ablility to post another link of the video from a file sharing host to help maintain the current link that would be helpful and appreciated. Maybe DR or a Moderator can load it up on here somewhere to make it available if they lock my account up again.

Maybe you ought to try paying for it instead of steeling it. Lets do the math.. 285 x 29.95=$8,535.75. Not a bad haul for one morning. I an glad you are so "Happy and Proud" of being a thief and enabling others to be the same.
By the way, the video wasn't a Mattituck produced film, it was made by some guys that worked there and that spend a lot of their hard earned money producing it. These guys aren't and weren't rich. They had a good idea and invested a lot of their time and money to produce the series. Why don't all you thieves that downloaded it for free do the right thing and go and buy a copy.
It is legally available at:

Its not hard to do the right thing, it only takes ethics.

Good Luck,
Randle, as for research, I am an ex 38 year Mattituck employee. I worked there when the video was made and on to the last day the shop was open. I also know and see fairly regularly all of the guys who made the video. They all all still live in the Mattituck area within 10 miles of my home. Skyward Tech was the name chosen by the group who published the video and by Phil Haponic, who by the way owns the rights to the video and as far as I know still supplies it for sale to suppliers. He also lives just down the road from me. I will grant you that I haven't talked to him about the videos in the last couple of years but I can assure you he was still supplying them for sale long after 2005. As a matter of fact I personally sold copies of the videos, on his behalf, at Oshkosh after 2005 from our workshop booths and at engine workshops we ran at the Mattituck Facility. And by the way, all of that revenue went to "those guys."
As for copyright.... I don't believe it expires as long as the author or authors are still alive. At least that is what the lawyers told me about various articles and publications I have authored.
Whether you bought or acquired the video yesterday or 10 years ago is irrelevant. In my humble opinion you are offering property that is not yours to offer, to others whether for profit or not doesn't matter. I am not aware of any schools or training centers offering the videos for free. I am aware of a couple, that Phil allowed to make copies of the video for in house use and not to republish. I only know about that because I got the phone calls from the schools and talked to Phil about allowing it, after he was no longer employed at the airport.
So, do what you wish and justify it anyway that makes you feel comfortable and that lets you sleep at night.
My arm chair opinion is that you are wrong and so are all the others who downloaded it and are likely still downloading it.
Thanks for taking the time to listen and respond to my rant.
I won't bother you or any of the others with my unfounded, un-researched accusations any more.
Good Luck,
Sorry - I was under the impression that the video was indeed free to share - I've removed my link.
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