
I have heard about the free weather services the FAA is planning for in-flight devices like GPS's and EFIS units. Does anybody have any current info on when this might happen.

Dave T.
I believe what your asking about is ADS-B. It can provide both traffic avoidance and weather. It does require at least a ADS-B receiver and possibly a transmitter. This is pretty new and coverage is thin depending on where you fly. It is the future direction that FAA is leading us.

Stein, feel free to jump in and correct me if I'm wrong.
Howdy Carlos,

The whole new ADS-B system is progressing as we speak. What is your take on the current status? And what plans does GRP have for ADS-B?

And should we be bugging our congressmen?

David T.
Speaking of ADS-B, anyone know about....

NavWorx's ADS600? They claim to have a ADS-B receiver that will provide ADS-B, FIS-B, and TIS-B. Their receiver is @ $1,500. If used with a Arinc429, they claim to be able to interface with a variety of displays, including Advanced Flight Systems EFIS. They also have a portable receiver (PADS600) for those wanting a easily removable solution.

Anybody know about this receiver?

If this works, I believe this would give you free inflight weather via FIS-B, if you have te coverage in your area.

Their website is http://www.navworx.com/
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NavWorx's ADS600? They claim to have a ADS-B receiver that will provide ADS-B, FIS-B, and TIS-B. Their receiver is @ $1,500. If used with a Arinc429, they claim to be able to interface with a variety of displays, including Advanced Flight Systems EFIS. They also have a portable receiver (PADS600) for those wanting a easily removable solution.

Anybody know about this receiver?

Check out:


It's a nice write up that Tim Olson did back in October.

I have heard about the free weather services the FAA is planning for in-flight devices like GPS's and EFIS units. Does anybody have any current info on when this might happen.

Dave T.

Portable ADS-B receiver - www.radenna.com, works very well with MountainScope, shows traffic, NEXRAD, TAFs, METARs
If you want to connect it to GNS 430 additional ARINC adapter will be available soon.

I assume this is your company. Nice going - keep up the good work! I might have to buy one.

I assume your unit will output via mini-USB plug to a Garmin 695. Anything else needed to make this work? I will see graphical weather radar depiction and traffic on my 695 -- correct? (and it's free?)

Dave T.
Is there going to be a non-portable version? :) When is it going to be available?

It is both, portable and non-portable, we will supply brackets for non-portable installation. Keep in mind it is not TSO unit, so non-portable is only for experimental unless you want to file field approval form...
Our first customers will receive at least 25% discount.
Radenna.. sent you a PM for more info..

PS.. this forum is all about experimental :) so we're not burdened by 337's etc..
I am now an expert on ADS-B. After studying all the info I have figured it out. It is not too complicated:

ADS-B is simply a system of several hundred transmitters on the ground that transmits weather info (called FIS-B) and traffic info (called TIS-B). And it's free! That's it!

(Yes there is ADS-B "OUT" where planes can transmit info to the same stations -- but I dont care about that!)

So......all you need is a receiver box and a some way to display the info. Frigging Garmin 696/695's cant display weather from 3rd party receiver boxes, so you need some other display device -- like a PC or Grand Rapids EFIS etc.

Oh -- and the system is being ginned up as we speak. Wont cover the whole country for another year or so.

ADS-B -- who says the FAA cant do anything right? FAA - you go boy!

Dave T.
I learned from NavWorx that if you have a Mode S transponder, their receiver will automatically switch you from TIS to TIS-B whenever it is available.

Although FIS-B supposedly does not provide all the weather available from XM, I can certainly live with it when it's free. FAA is planning on enhancing FIS-B in the future.
I learned from NavWorx that if you have a Mode S transponder, their receiver will automatically switch you from TIS to TIS-B whenever it is available.

Although FIS-B supposedly does not provide all the weather available from XM, I can certainly live with it when it's free. FAA is planning on enhancing FIS-B in the future.

From my observation of FIS-B it provides ton's of information, METAR, TAF, all kinds of graphical overlays, AIRMETs, SIGMETs, PIREPs are there.
Most of existing software packages support METARs, TAFs and NEXRADs.
It is both, portable and non-portable, we will supply brackets for non-portable installation. Keep in mind it is not TSO unit, so non-portable is only for experimental unless you want to file field approval form...
Our first customers will receive at least 25% discount.

Any new info on this? I'd sure like to be one of your "first customers."
ADS-B out may not be all that bad

I talked to the Navworks guys extensively at SnF.
I'm sold on using their receiver for data incoming to the cockpit.

They are working on an FCC certified add on board to provide transmit capability (ADS-B out) within the same box they are now delivering for receive functions.

SO, the BIG question in my mind (since the FAA debate rages about mandatory ADS-B out in 2020) is WHEN can ADS-B out legally replace the transponder so I don't have to buy BOTH. This is rhetorical of course, since predicting FAA moves usually requires candles and chicken bones.