
Well Known Member
I just received my new verizon motorola droid. The data plan comes with free gps applications. there are tons of add on apps as well. I found one that could be useful to other pilots. It's called inserty. Basically with two clicks on the screen you can send a text or email with a google map attachment with your location pinpointed on the map.

You can also pick from about ten auto messages. The phone locates where you are within a few meters within a couple of seconds. You just tap the screen and presto my wife gets an email or text saying "I arrived safely in Gainesville" or I'm standing at the corner of blank" It's free and no subscription (other than your phone data plan charge) very similar to what SPOT tracker would do.

I looked at the map that I sent to my wife when I tried it out. It showed an arrow pointing to the parking space that I had used. It's worth taking a look at if you have a google phone or android phone.
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My wife is ordering my droid phone right now. I will check out the apps as soon as it arrives.
I've had my Droid since December and really like it. I use the gps all the time and it was extremely helpful during our Hawaii vacation. I like the voice search app. The screen resolution is awesome. It takes great pics and easy to email them.

Hi ya'll,

Funny you should mention this. I'm a software developer and I've almost finished my second android app: GeoSMS, it will send text messages formatted exactly like the Spot messages and it will auto parse and display Spot messages on a map. I've made it mostly for hangglider/paragliding pilots, but when I release it (in about a week) I'll post a note here. I'm happy to add features ya'll think it might need.

If you are curious, my first android app is a flight GPS for glider pilots. For more info on that app see:
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Droid is Great!

I acquired my droid when they were first released by Verizon (they made me a deal I couldn't refuse). I haven't used it as much in my RV-8 as I should (chatting with friends over the Zulu), but there are several noteworthy apps I've come across so far (and I'm looking for more)

1. AirWX - It costs all of $5.00 and provides instant METARs, TAFs, PIREPs, etc. for any airport you select.

2. MyTrax - Maybe not for the airplane, but I kayak and it is great for recording your GPS track on Google maps. I'm going to try it in my airplane soon.

3. The Weather Channel weather bug. Good for general weather because all pilots are weather watchers.

4. The built in GPS navigating program is as good as, or better, than most car mobile GPSs.

Lots of other stuff - texting, etc., etc. It is a great piece of gear.

Now some questions:

1. Has anyone used their droid to file with DUATS (i.e., not call in the flight plan, just entered using the keyboard)? If so, how did you do it - what program did you use and/or what internet site did you visit?

2. The in flight tracking program would be great (and a great savings - potentially in more ways than one). Please keep us updated on the progress.
Droid for filing

I too love this Android Google phone and would like to file flight plans and get weather briefings on it. Yes, I know I can do it on the WWW. But who wants to carry a laptop or find a computer. That's old. The new way is on pocket sized smart device.

Nex Monster and ForeFlight have good apps for the iPhone, but I haven't seen one yet for the Android. Please post if you do.

I too love this Android Google phone and would like to file flight plans and get weather briefings on it. Yes, I know I can do it on the WWW. But who wants to carry a laptop or find a computer. That's old. The new way is on pocket sized smart device.

Nex Monster and ForeFlight have good apps for the iPhone, but I haven't seen one yet for the Android. Please post if you do.


I'm thinking about making one in a few weeks, if you find one in the meantime please let me know.
Nav monster

NavMonster has a cell phone version. just use you web browser with the droid and bookmark the navmonster cell phone link.
Android App

There is a nice free weather/radar one called Aviation Weather located HERE or on the appmarket. There's a couple by that name out there, but I use the one by Appventive on my Nexus One.
Well Kahuna, if I knew all the uses, etc I wouldn't need to ask about models. I'm basically asking for some advice from some of you using an Android device about which makes and models work for you. I'll look at price when I have some advice on which models are the most useful.
Which model?

I have the Droid X and am very pleased with it. There are a couple of newer models like the pro you might like if you were a black berry guy. My first chose is the X.
App Access

Is anyone concerned about the access to your private information many apps seem to require? I'm new to the Droid but every app I've gone to download want me to grant access to my contacts and other information I won't allow. Isn't this a concern? Sure like the Droid otherwise. Not as good a unit for the basic PDA functions like Palm was but it does so much more!! :rolleyes:
Android application security

I believe it is a concern. Here is an article that explains some of the issues:

I am less concerned about the application accessing private data than I am with what the application will do with the data. For example, if the application has no way to send the data to another application or to send it out of the phone, then there is less risk.

My strong advice is to not put information on a computer that you *really* don't want others to have, or ensure that that computer does not have access to the Internet. The creativity of the crooks is really amazing.
I just bought the Droid X from Verizon - it's incredible! Have not loaded aviation apps but I'm reviewing what's available.
Droid Apps

Do any of these apps have an actual moving map display with weather, tfr's and such displayed near real time?

Also, what is the latest on using a mobile phone for data while airborn? How well does it work and is it legal?

Looking at getting a Droid myself next month.
So has anyone found an app that will list the TFR's??

I am thinking about dumping my xm weather on the 496, the thing I will miss the most is the TFR's. you can lock your phone and wipe its info remotely. So, someone steals your phone, you press a button and wiped of information.