
Custom RV painting by Fulltron
Fulltron's Aviation's paint shop is providing special deals for all RV's flying to/from Oshkosh. If you're going to be passing thru the mid-west on your way to/from Oshkosh, stop by Springfield Downtown Airport (3DW) in Springfield, MO. Our everyday price for 100LL is lower than any "Oshkosh special discounts" that you'll probably find anywhere, AND you'll get a FREE T-shirt and enjoy FREE BBQ when you stop by. Check our website http://www.FulltronAviation.com for details, times and any updates. You can see us in the EAA's August "Oshkosh Edition" of Sport Aviation magazine. For any questions you can call 417-862-2418 or email [email protected]

[ed. Fulltron's ad on this site starts Wednesday. Welcome aboard, Fulltron! v/r,dr]
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