
Well Known Member
There is a sweet spot in Upstate NY. Well guarded by weather gods and hidden in the hills. On that sweet spot is located a very unique airstrip. It's uncharted, has a steep grade and two very smooth camelback landforms. Surface is packed and grass manicured as a pool table. Perfect spot to open 2014 Grass Season.

Fred Edmunds, the member of this very forum (VETE76) invited me to visit long time ago. Couldn't make it until now. Weather perfect VFR air is cool time to go. Short notice is sent to Fred and he bounced it back right away - "check the weather and welcome".

My primitive navigation equipment wasn't able to pinpoint the LZ. I found a prominent landmark (windmills) and while hovering over them called on discrete frequency for a leader.

Here he comes in couple minutes looking for a guy from New Jersey. "Follow-me RV".

Fred towed me to the strip and advised on where and how to land. Here it is and I am going to land downhill. Too much tailwind from the other side.

Landing was super easy the funny thing was rolling down. Here comes Fred he almost always lands from the other side.

The strip is built and owned by Tim Botsford, Fred's best friend and business partner. Tim spent years grading the earth and packing the surface. He also built his dream home and very nice hangar. In this hangar he completed his RV in a very short time period - under 2 years. Look at those checkered flaps you can hardly see any mud.

Come tomorrow for more...
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No wonder Fred stays there all winter, it's beautiful in that part of the world..........especially when it snows. :D

Fred sent me some photos of his "winter wonderland" a few months back.

Vlad, thanks for the recon photos. I may visit Fred this summer.

Fred, your missing spring in Sebring.... :D
No wonder Fred stays there all winter, it's beautiful in that part of the world..........especially when it snows. :D

ha ha.

Fred sent me some photos of his "winter wonderland" a few months back.

Vlad, thanks for the recon photos. I may visit Fred this summer.

u r welcome anytime!

Fred, your missing spring in Sebring.... :D

not use to being able to fly EVER day down there. LOL
can't wait until I can come back. around sep.

Is there a pond on the North West side at the start of the approach? Or, is that NY51?


Looks very nice too
OK grass season is open what's next? I did some digging in old KGB files and found out that Fred and Tim successfully operate a business for decades. They build custom trailers. Let's go and take a look. They were hesitating at first but then agreed. I told them I need an intel and I won't leave until I get some.

They got me blindfolded in a truck and brought me here.

A huge hangar at now defunct airport contains all the tooling and machinery. Nice scissors. Shear thick steel like a paper napkin.

This is a jig they weld frames on.

Almost ready product.

Their paint booth. I could fit my RV there.

At the end of the tour Fred tried if monkey fits the cage. A great caption contest for Captain John.

It was a great excursion thanks again Fred and Tim. I got what I wanted it's time to leave. KristiTrailers it would be great if every airport has at least one of these.

Before I left Tim invited me inside his house and showed me his "upstairs". Wow it's an RC Museum!

The story of these flying models dates back to the seventies of last century when Fred and Tim flew RC formations at airshows.

Almost all models are in flying condition. A lot of other memorabilia on surrounding walls I need one more visit to that museum to give you a full pirep. Or better come with me next time I will get you a clearance.

Now it's time to go.

A circle of honor and I depart to other destination. There will be another adventure but this time initiators were others. I just enjoyed a free ride a human autopilot did all the work. He may tell a story of dodging gliders in other thread.

Came home late. Life was good.



Great write-up....and the last picture was a fantastic ending to what seemed to be a great day:) Glad they released you out of the cage they had you in!:D