
Well Known Member
I am trying to program my FPS -Plus-reflex on my RV10 without success. I am only setting the flap position and not doing anything with the trim. It all appears to be wired correctly and operates up and down in Mode 1. The POS-12 sensor voltage changes across pins 8 and 3 as it is supposed to. I changed the blue and orange wires to get the correct movement of low voltage flap down/high voltage flap up.

I can access mode 5 OK and erase previous settings. I start by moving the flap to up. I select my first setting and get the green light when pressing the set button. Same with second setting. If I then go to Mode 3, down selection does nothing and up moves to fully up and then it will not move down. If I take the flap to fully down before going to Mode 3, I cannot move it up.

I feel I am missing a step somewhere even though I seem to be following the instructions. Any ideas?

I switched the sensor wires and got it working but up was down and down was up. That gave me the clue. I had the up and down wires switched and it worked in Mode 1 because of the polarity I had wired on the motor. So I put the blue/orange wires back, switched the up and down wires from the switch and changed the polarity on the motor.

All now works perfectly.
