
Well Known Member
Lousy math guy here. How do I calculate/draw 4 degree to make a gauge as in picture…windscreen slider, front edge transition. I know “eye ball it” , not what I want. Starting with 4-5” square of aluminum…GO!


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A cheap plastic protractor from a Dollar Tree would do what you want.
So, lay protractor along bottom edge, find 4 degrees left and right of center, connect the two with circle guide( jar lid, can bottoms) ? I understand the parts of a circle, just not how to mark, cut, to create the 4 degree guide. Thanks David


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Typically radius is a unit of measure like inches, feet, miles, mm, cm, meters, etc. and for the life of me do not understand how it is measured in degrees.

The image in the 1st post looks like a radius gauge.

Watching for someone to explain this so all can understand.
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For my canopy faring, I cut out a 8" diamater disk as my radius gauge, and then checked and adjusted the buildup based on the gap between the disk and the fillet.

The key is to be sure the disk is touching both the front deck aluminum bare metal and the canopy (arrows), and is not hung up on a too fat fillet.

Since both the canopy and deck are curved, the distance between the contact points on the canopy and deck will move as you move the gauge from center to the sides, so having a fixed "4 degree" gauge seem like the problem is being over constrained.


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This is on the 7 plans. Note the word APPROX.
The windshield is there. The fuselage is there. Fill it so it looks good.


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KMS That is noting width of layup approximately 1” up on WS vs radius of transition.
Radius Gauge for RV-14 canopy to skin

Does this help?

Screen Shot 2023-07-16 at 7.35.57 AM.png
From Vans Service Information and Revisions