
Well Known Member
I was getting 4 to 7 hours per qt of oil, depending how I operated, on o360 A1A, with dirty oil appering after only 3 hrs, using Aero Shell 100plus. I switched to Phillips 20/50, plus cam guard, and get 9 hours per quart regardless of how it fly it. The oil starts to get dirty around 9 hrs. I can only submize that the Phillips stays thicker than the Aero and therefore has less blow by. I have switched back and forth several times to make sure of what I’m experiencing, with same results.
I had same experience with my rv and have been running nothing but philips now. May have just been lucky but it works for me.
That's interesting to know, I've only ever used 100 Plus in my IO360 & ha e not had any issues, usually around 12-15Hrs Qrt. Must remember this in case I come up against the issue in the future 👍
I?ve exclusively used the Phillips for breakin and after on two engines now. First used 1 qt in 25 hours or so and on this one I just added a qt for the first time at abou 22 hours since the 10-hour breakin oil change. As far as I?m concerned it?s great stuff!
I was getting 4 to 7 hours per qt of oil, depending how I operated, on o360 A1A, with dirty oil appering after only 3 hrs, using Aero Shell 100plus. I switched to Phillips 20/50, plus cam guard, and get 9 hours per quart regardless of how it fly it. The oil starts to get dirty around 9 hrs. I can only submize that the Phillips stays thicker than the Aero and therefore has less blow by. I have switched back and forth several times to make sure of what I’m experiencing, with same results.

Do you have a flat tappet engine or a roller tappet engine? I seem to recall Camguard is not the same as the tri-cresyl-phosphate additive Lycoming specifies for flat tappet designated by Shell as "Plus". Engine PN LW-16702, Oil Additive.pdf

I do not wish to steer the conversation toward a Camguard debate, only note a difference between the oils.

Oil darkening (dirty oil, as described) indicates suspension of contaminates...carbon, metallic ash, lead salts, etc. You've viewing the dark oil as being caused by some change in piston ring sealing. It is absolutely true that an engine with greater combustion gas ring leakage will darken oil sooner. However, absent a good physical reason for a change in ring sealing, we might consider an alternate view, which is that one oil suspends contaminates better than the the other.

For sure there is one major difference between the compared oils. Aeroshell W100 Plus is a single weight oil, while the Phillips is a multigrade. When cold, the Aeroshell will be much thicker. When hot, viscosity will be similar.

I'd suggest the consumption difference is entirely based on low temperature operation in the early minutes of each use. When the W100 oil is thick, the rings (notably the oil scrapers) remove less of it from the cylinder walls on the downstroke. More is present on the cylinder walls during the combustion process, where it is heated, thinned, and scrapped off the walls by the top ring during the upstroke.

The theory may be tested. Use Aeroshell 15-50 for your next oil change cycle. See if consumption is reduced with another multigrade.
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I experienced a similar decrease in oil consumption when I changed from Shell 100 to Phillips XC when I had my Tri-Pacer with the 0290D2 engine. I've used nothing but Phillips XC in my ECI Titan since new, per ECI's recommendation.
I have been using Phillip's 20W50XC since it's introduction circa. 1980, it has served me well.
Do you have a flat tappet engine or a roller tappet engine? I seem to recall Camguard is not the same as the tri-cresyl-phosphate additive Lycoming specifies for flat tappet designated by Shell as "Plus". Engine PN LW-16702, Oil Additive.pdf

I do not wish to steer the conversation toward a Camguard debate, only note a difference between the oils.

Oil darkening (dirty oil, as described) indicates suspension of contaminates...carbon, metallic ash, lead salts, etc. You've viewing the dark oil as being caused by some change in piston ring sealing. It is absolutely true that an engine with greater combustion gas ring leakage will darken oil sooner. However, absent a good physical reason for a change in ring sealing, we might consider an alternate view, which is that one oil suspends contaminates better than the the other.

For sure there is one major difference between the compared oils. Aeroshell W100 Plus is a single weight oil, while the Phillips is a multigrade. When cold, the Aeroshell will be much thicker. When hot, viscosity will be similar.

I'd suggest the consumption difference is entirely based on low temperature operation in the early minutes of each use. When the W100 oil is thick, the rings (notably the oil scrapers) remove less of it from the cylinder walls on the downstroke. More is present on the cylinder walls during the combustion process, where it is heated, thinned, and scrapped off the walls by the top ring during the upstroke.

The theory may be tested. Use Aeroshell 15-50 for your next oil change cycle. See if consumption is reduced with another multigrade.

Dan,I?m pretty sure my Aerosport is a flat tapped engine. I do cut oil filter open at each change to check for metal.
I wonder if different brand oil (Philips vs Aero shell) have any effect on oil temp, meaning if one cools better than the other?
Information about Camguard

Tracy, a friend who runs a Cirrus Leasing service started having weeping oil leaks after a few months of Camguard in his entire fleet. At engine manufactures suggestion they switched to Avblend and weeps stopped. I am having some weeping at the pan gasket on my CC-340---I have three bottles of Camguard for sell??