
Well Known Member
I have been procrastinating on riveting on the forward top skin. However, I think I have done everything I possibly can in the instrument bays and with the wiring that would be covered up when I do. Nonetheless I'm still procrastinating about riveting on the skin thinking I may have forgotten something and working from underneath the panel is not very appealing. So the question is, what did you forget to do when you had the top skin off yet that you wished you had done while you did???
Nothing for me ...

I left that until the absolute last. Riveted it in place only when there was NOTHING else to do.
Do make a double torque check of all your piping/fittings under there ... also make sure all of your wiring, electronics, nav/com, GPS, X/M, etc work perfectly before you button it up. (you probably know this already. :))
Good question! I can tell you that after 5 months and 70 hrs of flight time, I've been under there twice and both times were not fun!

The first time, I had forgotten to add the low voltage feed to the fuel senders from my EIS.

The second time was to add a circuit to my VPX for adding an external GPS to my GRT's.

Not fun laying on your back over the spar, with the seats removed just for leg room, fumbling with your bifocals with too little light. The older I get, the harder this becomes!

One good aspect of flat panels is when removed they make for some good size holes to reach through. Put everything you can on the sub panel behind your glass if you have it!
Good question! I can tell you that after 5 months and 70 hrs of flight time, I've been under there twice and both times were not fun!

Not fun laying on your back over the spar, with the seats removed just for leg room, fumbling with your bifocals with too little light. The older I get, the harder this becomes!

I'll second that. I don't at all feel like my age - until I have to get under the panel in the manner described. Hurts a lot. :(
I went through the same gyrations about two weeks ago. Over & over in my mind, I kept asking: "What have I forgotten?" I had all my wiring labeled, secured & kept everything as 'maintenance-friendly' as I could. Before I finally bit the bullet, I took a multitude (more) of close-up photos. Lastly, I used my iphone to make a narrated video going over the wire routes & any details I could think of. I needed to get my tip-up canopy latches fitted & felt like the skin needed to be in its absolute final position before doing so.
So it's done! Worst part was on my back, going through all the contortions to buck rivets. And lastly, all my buddies said it didn't matter...that I'd be under there for something at some point. :eek: I resigned myself to the fact that I probably would. :eek:

Good luck,

PS: there'll probably be some forth-coming comments from the access panel crowd. Not a bad idea...just something I didn't want to do.
I would make sure you have put break fluid in your lines and checked fittings for leaks. Pump the brakes a few times. Tie down the brake line loops.

I had to drain the brake lines several times to eliminate leaks at the fittings and its a lot easier to work on with the forward top skin off.

Phase 1
... make sure you have put break fluid in your lines and checked fittings for leaks. Pump the brakes a few times. Tie down the brake line loops.
I had to drain the brake lines several times to eliminate leaks at the fittings and its a lot easier to work on with the forward top skin off.

Jimbo is absolutely right ... I forgot about all the re-sealing of brake fittings I had to do before I riveted the top front skin on. It would have been MUCH harder after the skin was in place. FYI ... I used EZ Turn to seal the brake fittings originally, had to change all of 'em to Permatex. The biggest fluid leaks were at the gear weldments... I had forgotten to tighten those four years before. Doh!!
This may be a silly question .. but why not make two access panels ? One on each side of the centre rib ... I am working on this skin now - Drilling my non drilled skin .. Yes it will be the last thing to rivet on ... but why not make two access panels ? In addition to #8 screws the panels could be set in Mastinox - which does not dry out .. and will prevent water ingress ...

Thoughts ??
This may be a silly question .. but why not make two access panels ? One on each side of the centre rib.

I did. Gives me access to the electronics fwd of the subpanel. Very handy. But there's no substitute for having all that area open before you rivet the fwd top panel. E.g. try replacing brake cylinder fittings thru the access doors. arghhh.
Thanks for the replies everybody, I appreciate it! Hadn't thought about the brake fluid at all so will definitely do that. Will also do a video since I took a bunch of pictures but think it would be better to have the narration as well. Thanks again!
.. but why not make two access panels ? One on each side of the centre rib ...
Thoughts ??

I did and easy to do when the fwd upper skin is still on the work bench.

Also take lots of pictures of each rib and bulkhead that will be covered up.
