
Well Known Member
Hi guys,

Did you use dimple dies or machine countersinking on the VS forward spar? The gauge of aluminum is kind of an in-between thickness, and I'm not sure how to proceed. Thanks!
The parts list I have indicates that the Vertical Stabilizer Front Spar VS-702 is .032. I dimpled mine.
I don't know about the -9, but in the manual for the 7, Chapter 5 on construction processes says the thinnest material than can be machine countersunk is 0.032, but recommends dimpling 0.040 and thinner. The only exception I've run across so far is on the aft row of rivets attaching the fuel tank skin to the rear baffle, where they have you countersink the skin to make the insertion of the baffle easier. I have read where some builders even dimple these holes without issue.
Thanks for all the replies, guys. I ended up dimpling with a pneumatic squeezer, and the dimples formed nicely. I guess with that thickness you could go either way, but I'm glad I dimpled.

It gave me a chance to pull out the micrometer and reacquaint myself with reading it. :)
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