
Active Member
Hello all. This is my first post to VAF, as I have just recently taken the plunge and bought a relatively new, but secondhand, RV-8 empennage kit! It's taken me about 6 months of research, but I'm super excited to be starting the build.

Last night I drilled out two holes that attach the forward spar assembly. Specifically the HS-405 to HS-810. Now the plans and instructions both say that the hole will NOT be centered on HS-810 and to make sure that the proper edge spacing is observed for HS-405. The edge spacing for 405 is fine, but the hole on HS-810 looks to close to the side for my comfort. Thoughts? Am I being overly paranoid?


My Mk I eyeball tells me you have about 2D edge distance from the center of that hole, which works out to 0.25". Using this reference (scroll down to Table VIII), your minimum edge distance for that hole should be 0.219".

So assuming my eyeball is correct, you're fine, but you should get the official measurement to be sure.
I may be wrong, but it looks like that top angle is upside down... Shouldn't the flange be towards the outer edge of the spar, not towards the center?


This was literally the first thing I've done on the kit since I bought it secondhand, and was a little worried. I'm still missing some really key tools... like a good ruler... the one I have doesn't have small enough increments. Time for a trip to harbor freight.


Previous builder completed the work on both the reinforcement angles. I thought it was correct, but I will certainly be checking the plans as soon as I get home. I sure hope its not upside down! :confused:

I may be wrong, but it looks like that top angle is upside down... Shouldn't the flange be towards the outer edge of the spar, not towards the center?

Yikes, good call, I didn't even notice!




This was literally the first thing I've done on the kit since I bought it secondhand, and was a little worried. I'm still missing some really key tools... like a good ruler... the one I have doesn't have small enough increments. Time for a trip to harbor freight.


Go ahead and snag yourself a set of digital calipers in addition to a good ruler; definitely good for making precise measurements.


And don't worry about the part order - it happens. I had to replace both of my HS spar reinforcements after I horribly botched the tapering job. At least in your case someone else made the mistake!
And don't worry about the part order - it happens. I had to replace both of my HS spar reinforcements after I horribly botched the tapering job. At least in your case someone else made the mistake!

Thanks Philip. I will endure to fight another day! Thank heavens for this website and such a great community. I'd never have the confidence to take this project on without it...

Yikes, good call, I didn't even notice! :eek:

I guess you can chalk this one up to a good example of when it's okay to ask a stupid question. I almost didn't post my reply because I wasn't sure... But rather than risk nobody noticing it I thought I should at least say something.
Also a clear see through rule is also one on the best tools in my box and dirt cheap too. Pick up a half dozen and lay them everywhere. :D
Trim tab

Go ahead and order a second trim tab also. It will save you shipping in the future when you "learn" on the first one :D