Don Patrick

Well Known Member
I've read the plans a few times, looked ahead and reviewed other drawings, but can't seem to find anything about riveting nutplates to the F-804C-FR?

The F-804C-Front left has two nutplates installed, there are holes for the Front right, but I can't seem to find anything about installinf the K1000-8s there?

Can anyone shed some light onthis for me please.


Throttle quadrant bracket

The throttle quadrant bracket attaches there. Drawing 68. If your OCD is kicking in you could also install nut plates on the right side. I thought about it, but didn't :rolleyes:

If my plane has a heavy left wing, I'll go back later and install them on the right side :D

The good thing is you can wait to the very end as the caps get pop riveted on ,and block the area that the nut plates go. Mine are off until all my interior wiring is complete .