
I'm New Here
Hello all,

Getting prepared to order my RV-8 QB kit, and having a few ideas for customization (as outlandish as some of them may be...) and wanted some 2 cents.

I'm planning on doing a fastback (Tom Clark slider) with a flat wrap windscreen. Of course I've read about the many folks who have modified their forward baggage doors to accommodate the flat wrap, which will inevitably stick out further forward than the standard windscreen. However, I'm really loving that F1-Rocket look, where the flat wrap is at a very shallow angle, and sticks considerable far forward, which would cover up more of the space where baggage door hinge normally goes than usable. My thought was to move the baggage door downward a bit so you accessed your forward baggage compartment more from the starboard side of the aircraft, as opposed to the existing "primarily top" access. And yes...I'm aware the level of fabrication here would be a nightmare.

Of course there is the forward-to-aft support angle longerons (forgive my terminology; I'm a greenhorn) which would need to be broken as this is where the opening would be. My concern is that this may remove much need structural integrity for the firewall, and be a bad idea. But if there was a way to beef up the surrounding area so that a side-access door was possible, I could get the flat wrap I've always wanted.


Sounds like fun

I have always thought that a fastback with a sloped windshield would be the nicest setup going!
I have an extended windshield on mine and modified the fwd baggage door with a fairly simple joggle.
It like your idea, but I wouldn't consider messing with the longerons. I'm no engineer, but in my mind that is a major structural member to be modifying. I'm sure it can be done, but would take some engineering horsepower to figure it out.

Oh, and welcome to VAF!!!
...Of course there is the forward-to-aft support angle longerons (forgive my terminology; I'm a greenhorn) which would need to be broken as this is where the opening would be. My concern is that this may remove much need structural integrity for the firewall, and be a bad idea. But if there was a way to beef up the surrounding area so that a side-access door was possible...

I'm not an engineer, but I've done a handful of aeronautical design. And I would not disrupt those longerons unless it was mission critical and I also had a big budget in weight and money to make up both the strength and stiffness elsewhere. And to my way of thinking, making the it easier to load and unload personal luggage is pretty far down the criticality list.

Of course, it's easy for me to say that since I am personally not fond of the flat wrap windscreen. I think that the bubble looks nicer and has lower drag, but probably not by much on either count. But the combination of both of those plus adequate room for the full size baggage door is compelling.

Thanks, Bob K.
Hello all,

....I'm planning on doing a fastback (Tom Clark slider) with a flat wrap windscreen. Of course I've read about the many folks who have modified their forward baggage doors to accommodate the flat wrap, which will inevitably stick out further forward than the standard windscreen. However, I'm really loving that F1-Rocket look, where the flat wrap is at a very shallow angle, and sticks considerable far forward, which would cover up more of the space where baggage door hinge normally goes than usable...

#1. DON'T cut the longerons without a comprehensive engineeering analysis. This is primary structure and you don't want to take a shot in the dark here.

#2. I'm in the middle of the flat wrap conversion right now and have lost about half of the hinge line on the door (Plexi reaches 24" forward of the roll bar). This is about as far forward as you can go and still match the curve on the canopy. It does crowd the opening a little, but unless you have hard sided luggage that is exactly fit to the stock door, you will not lose much utility.
So here's my plan as it stands today:



Don't even think about modifying the RV-8 longeron for a baggage compartment modification/to suit aesthetics. This part of the structure carries a tremendous load. And I am an engineer.