Well Known Member
About to finalize some panel planning at the avionics shop.

The current design is going to require enlarging the current access panel on the rear of the forward baggage compartment. There will also be about a 2 inch pop out protruding in to the forward baggage compartment behind the GNX-375.

I believe in my review of the plans that is part number F-866BPP on page 38-8.

Are there any structural concerns with how large you make that access panel?

There should be no need to cut into the baggage compartment. The deepest avionics on my RV-8 is the GTN-650 and that fits.

Perhaps you have something unique - but if so there should be other options than what you suggest.

Also, when you have the shop make the panel have them set as a primary condition that it is fully removable is an assembly. This will save you weeks of loosing your religion when it comes time for maintenance and/or modifications. My panel comes out to the bench in 15 minutes or so. All breakers and switches not associated with the panel are on the panel wings or the side breaker panel. All that stuff says in the plane but once the panel is out you have full access.


Don't do it

I agree with Carl, don't do it. Slightly different topic - I cut an access panel for maintenance, but it was a waste of time - I don't need it. Make sure you can get to things by removing the panel - that's that I did and it works great. I have a "service loop" so I can remove the panel and put it in my lap when I need to get to the back of the panel, or in that area without having to disconnect anything.
Thank you for the post.

This is a custom install and a little different than the norm that we are looking to accomplish, thus the need for the pop out. It may not be two inches that is an estimate at this point.

Pulling the entire panel out with all the equipment seems pretty heaving to man handle out of such a tight space. We think that between the opening for the G3X and the access via the forward baggage space, that should permit plenty of access for repairs should they be necessary.
Pulling the entire panel out with all the equipment seems pretty heaving to man handle out of such a tight space.

Build it the way it works for you, of course, but for those going the route of a removable panel (I did), you pull the equipment out of the racks before taking the panel into your lap. Takes an Allen wrench and two extra minutes.
Are there any structural concerns with how large you make that access panel?


My RV8 is still in construction but I built an access panel at the early stage of the fuselage. The original bulkhead sheet thickness is really thin guage, and it is designed to add to the shear stiffness at that section only. So when you build the access panel, the roughly 1" overlap between the access panel and the bulkhead, with the added thickness of the piano hinge, the overall bulkhead is slightly more rigid than the original.

I haven't found any use for the access panel yet, and based on my VFR panel setup, I probably won't need to use it.
Bought my 8; has an access panel. It is rathe large. My panel comes out as well. I have used the access panel a few times. Mostly due to my own errors in wiring, stuff coming loose. It is easy to pop the panel. I did do an autopilot upgrade (trutrack adi for gemini) via the access panel. This was easier than pulling the entire panel. If I were to build one I'd add the access panel based on the usage I've gotten so far
Build it the way it works for you, of course, but for those going the route of a removable panel (I did), you pull the equipment out of the racks before taking the panel into your lap. Takes an Allen wrench and two extra minutes.

Thanks. The way it was originally presented, I obviously misunderstood the removal technique.

My airplane was purchased as a complete 18 year old model. An access panel was installed during the original build. Some have determined that this is not necessary. Perhaps not. I can only relay my experience. We are completely re-doing the wiring that was originally done, and it is/was a mess. I can tell you so far, we are happy that the access panel is there. Going forward it appears to us that with the large opening provided by the 10? G3X and the access panel. Removing the entire panel most likely won?t be necessary. Or, at least not for another 20 years.

Thank you for the comments with regards to the structural nature of the sub panel. We have a planned technique for adding strength back to it as we make it a bit larger.
I just installed a GNX375 in a friends RV8. There was no need to cut into the baggage compartment, it is a tight fit, but not a problem. Installing the connectors on the rack BEFORE you install the rack in the panel makes a big difference. You also may want a 90? BNC connector for the txp. antenna.