
I bought a RV9A in November. In studying the Weight and balance section of the POH. It refers to forward baggage 122? aft of datum and aft baggage 144 inches aft of datum. I can see the aft baggage area but I can?t find the forward baggage area. Can someone help?


Joby Wieser
I bought a RV9A in November. In studying the Weight and balance section of the POH. It refers to forward baggage 122” aft of datum and aft baggage 144 inches aft of datum. I can see the aft baggage area but I can’t find the forward baggage area. Can someone help?


Joby Wieser

It's all one area. Starts just behind the seats (FB) and goes 24" back that stops at baggage wall (RB).
*Image for area reference only.

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I bought a RV9A in November. In studying the Weight and balance section of the POH. It refers to forward baggage 122? aft of datum and aft baggage 144 inches aft of datum. I can see the aft baggage area but I can?t find the forward baggage area. Can someone help?


Joby Wieser

The baggage area on the 9 is at 122? aft. 144? is even further back, and would seem to imply that the builder added an extra storage area. Is there a compartment behind the baggage bulkhead?

The baggage area on the 9 is at 122? aft. 144? is even further back, and would seem to imply that the builder added an extra storage area. Is there a compartment behind the baggage bulkhead?


Not by the plans - but some people have installed long tubes back in that area to carry fishing rods. It's far enough aft that you certainly don't want to put any meaningful weight back in that area.
Not by the plans - but some people have installed long tubes back in that area to carry fishing rods. It's far enough aft that you certainly don't want to put any meaningful weight back in that area.

Correct, I should have asked if it looks like the builder ADDED a storage area behind the bulkhead. It is for sure too far back to put anything besides the lightest stuff.

There isn?t any other access aft of the normal baggage back wall. After further google search I found this pdf on line. The POH I have is a copy of this POH with the serial number and tail number changed. The W&B. Is copied verbatium. Clearly I need to do an actual weight and balance on this plane.

Is there a downloadable procedure for doing this?

Thanks for all your answers.

Is there a downloadable procedure for doing this?

Did you get the Van's Builder Manual with the purchase of the plane? If not, you should purchase a copy from Van's. Inside you will find instructions for how to do a proper weight and balance including the datum and all of the various arm lengths.

Good luck.
First reaction I had was that the maybe the builder used portions of a RV-8 W&B report, but your POH numbers don't match that either.
Might be an idea to redo the whole weighing & calculate your own data to confirm the base data in the POH.
I found how to do the weight and balance in the big box of documentation I got with the airplane. Will do a new W&B, thanks for y?alls help.

Might be an idea to redo the whole weighing & calculate your own data to confirm the base data in the POH.

Actually, a POH is a legal document required by a factory built airplane's type certificate. Experimental aircraft therefor cannot have a POH in the legal sense of the term.

And given all the variables in homebuilt aircraft -- engine, prop, equipment, etc. -- there can be a lot of variation in weight between airplanes built from the same kind of kit. One airplane's "POH" would have little relevance to another plane.
Not by the plans - but some people have installed long tubes back in that area to carry fishing rods. It's far enough aft that you certainly don't want to put any meaningful weight back in that area.

Yes, I built a "hat shelf" just behind the aft bulkhead. I keep a couple of down jackets and two empty plastic gallon jugs (for carrying gas in an emergency) in there when flying in remote areas. Total baggage weight about 5 pounds, including the extra aluminum.
Sorry for my incorrect use of the word POH. I just asssumed that since the document that was prepared by the builder was titled Pilot Operating Handbook.
one more thought

...since it's not been mentioned yet, I setup my W&B to show the heavy stuff I put right behind the seatback ( water, tools, survival gear, oil) and then another point about centre of the baggage area.

Still, I always tried to keep the bully light stuff sleeping bags and spare boots at the very back ( or like Greg, build a 'hat shelf' in the rear bulkhead cover).....and the heavy stuff strapped to the floor as forward as possible.
hmmm, I wonder if anyone has put in wing lockers, like the Zenith?