
Well Known Member
Hi all,

Help required from computer experts -

Recently I have found that the Forums pages load very slowly .... approx 1-2 mins for a page to come up on my dial up connection.

Broadband isn't available here in our small village - also no new programs loaded recently or computer changes made

Any suggestions please

slow loading pages


I've noticed a real slowdown even on my T1 connection at work. It may not be your dial-up service causing it.
Whenever my computer starts slowing down like that I run one of the housecleaning programs that purges unnecessary cookies and other garbage that clogs up the system. It always seems to help.

I just got home from visiting my relatives up by Kiel. What is it with Germany? Every one of my relatives throughout Schleswig-Holstein has the crappiest internet connection - even in the bigger cities like Hamburg and Bremen. It seems that infrastructure wise, all of Germany is just emerging from the stone age... Wireless hotspots? Dream on!!.

But we sure love it there, The wife told the relatives that when the Chinese invade America we're moving to Nortorf!:p:p
snip....the Forums pages load very slowly .... approx 1-2 mins for a page to come up on my dial up connection.

I'm sorry for the slow speeds. You won't be happy to hear this, but I publish the site assuming all viewers have at least broadband speed. I hope your area gets broadband in the near future.

Sorry again,
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lucky me

just got bell south fast access last week. couldnt believe it, out here where we import sunshine. no cable, no city water, and no road runner. hey you can see my steel wing stand in the yard...that leads me to think you might be a redneck if you have a wingstand in your yard.

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I've noticed a signifiacant slow down since the upgrade at the weekend. The initial index pages still load fine, but a thread tab now takes multiple seconds (>10) to full load. I'm on 4Mbps+ broadband and the international links are generally fine (yahoo / M$ / / etc).

This happened for a while way back (multiple months) and finally seem to pickup speed again. It looks like the basic "frame" (two upper banner images) get loaded and then it is taking an age to get all the javascript / images / content, and then rendering it all in one go.

I also think there may be something strange about the expiry time information (may be timezone related as we are 'ahead' of most of the world) on the advert images at least, and possibly all http replies, eg. it seems to re-fetch the full advert image EVERY page EVERY time even with a decent size cache / time stamp checking setup. For those of us either not on a T1 link, or pay $$ for traffic (or both!) it is annoying at multiple levels.....

Just another data point, hopefully there is some tweaking Doug / vBuletin guys are still working on.

Hmmm...I don't have anything quantitative, but my qualitative assessment has been that the forums seemed FASTER since the upgrade. But that might simply being seeing what I thought I wanted to any rate, I hadn't noticed a slowdown...

Quick Reply isn't all that quick any more.. I think one took well over 30 sec.. and the other about 10-15... . used to be instantaneous.
Thanks for the replies

Hi all,

Carl that is exactly the same as my experience - except much more detail and more articulate
Maybe the electrons are tired from their long trip around the planet !!!

I guess I will have to spend more time in the garage building and less on VAF !
and save my browsing time for when I am at work in the UK (Broadband)

Doug, now that your son is into THE sport make sure he follows a proper football (soccer) team like LIVERPOOL FC

Radomir, love the Avatur but are you tall enough to see out over the panel ? at least getting into all those awkward spaces during building must be easy - just don't go chewing on any wires

Yipee !

I have just discovered that SIGNING IN speeds up the forum page the diff. between night and day

Plus it makes using the search function need to complete the "image verification" box
Doug-Fix This!

No matter what I click on, even just "reply", the advertiser's banner page appears for 20-30 seconds before the requested page comes up!
Hi Doug

Not sure if it is my imagination - but things seem to be faster (but still multiple second loading) today 5Oct07 / 9am NZST than yesterday.


Hi Doug
Not sure if it is my imagination - but things seem to be faster (but still multiple second loading) today 5Oct07 / 9am NZST than yesterday.

Thanks for the update, Carl. New Zealand to St. Louis in a few seconds ain't bad :D. Seriously, I freed up a lot of disk space which might be some of it...once you log in and cache the graphics it loads a lot faster. The avatars slow it a bit of course.
