
Well Known Member
Hello, has anybody experienced the following:
  • You type in some words in the ? Search?-box to find a certain thread or post and you get ?nothing found?, although you know for sure that the thread or post exists. Hey?.. it may even be one of your own threads and you can?t find it, even when you have at least 4 or 5 words right! How can that be ?? (I found it after all, in my subscribed threads. Also tried a few more and the problem kept coming up)
  • You click on the ?last new post?-flag and you get the last post, but?.. there is an other ?so many? posts in between the last one you have seen and the one now showing. ??
Is it me, or is anybody else experiencing the same problems??

Regards, PilotTonny
this is not uncommon

i put in a builder tip yet it is not in the tip section. http://www.vansairforce.com/community/forumdisplay.php?f=74 if you use the keyword you will find it .....and it says its in the tip section?????:confused:yet if you look up seat back location you will...not only that someone could have used that very tip little while back. he even said "no one mentions this stuff" yet i did. http://www.vansairforce.com/community/showthread.php?t=10615&highlight=seat+hinge

hmmmmmm i dont know.
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I just put seat back location in the Search box and that thread came right up, William. Back in Sept '06...so it was about twenty threads down.

I'll research the boards to see if there are search weaknesses that have been addressed, however.

I've noticed the same issue. I've found that it works well for some searchs and others are impossible. It seems like multiple word searches are more of an issue than single word searches.
I've noticed the same issue. I've found that it works well for some searchs and others are impossible. It seems like multiple word searches are more of an issue than single word searches.
This is one thing about search tools that is hard to grasp. These search tools work differently than our brains. With our brains, when we attempt to recall something it helps to provide as much information as possible to trigger the memory. However, search tools do not function this way. In fact they work in the opposite manner. The more words you add to the search the more "restrictive" the search becomes. It can get so bad that you can totally eliminate any returns as you restrict your search criteria with more and more words. The best searches will be one or two word searches that best define your criteria.
2 or 5 words does not matter!

Try any of these:

- Hot strobe
- Hot tail light
- Really hot

All these words are part of a thread of mine, but noting comes up! So it is not a case of to many words.

Regards, PilotTonny
What's the URL to the thread you wrote this in?

I searched for hot strobe (both words in lowercase) and found a thread you had contributed to (but not started). I also noted in that thread that most of the times the word 'strobe' was mentioned it was part of another word :

Tail-Strobe/Navlight unit

Maybe it is a time-out issue with you being in Belgium? Like others have said, it's somewhat of a stickler on an exact hit.

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Hello Doug,

This is the URL: http://www.vansairforce.com/community/showthread.php?t=11011&highlight=tail+strobe

It?s actually the thread you found (the one I contributed to), that got me searching for the above thread. When I saw the question, I thought why did he not ?search? first (so many the same questions keep coming up again and again?. :(). Because there was quite a few answers on there already, I tried to direct him to the previous thread anyway. When I typed in some of the words of my title, in the search box, nothing came up. Even when I typed in the exact title it did not come up (including upper case and everything). I also tried ?search titles only?, still nu luck. So I gues the originator of that thread did not find mine either.
Maybe you can find out why this happens. As you can read in this thread, there is some other people experiencing similar problems.

What about my second question? Sometimes when I hit the ?last seen post?-flag and I move back up on the screen, I am wondering whether Alzenheimer has already kicked in, or am I sipping to many ?Jacky?- and cokes?, :eek: because there is a few posts there that I have not seen yet, since my last visit. Do you know why that may happen? :confused:

Regards, PilotTonny
Search preference

Hello Pilottonny,

I suggest you go to the Advanced search and have a look at the selected options, because at the bottom of the page you can save your Search options and it might be that you saved a configuration where you restrict your search to some forums or child forums only.
you might also have restricted the search on the left side of the Advanced Panel options
Mine is looking like that
I think the "Find Posts from" might be the most restrictive.
