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Well Known Member
I feel that the latest E-Mag/P-Mag problems (mechanical issues that may cause catastropic timing failure) are of tremendous concern to those using or contemplating the use of these products. Yet it appears that several posts - including the detailed descriptions by several individuals who experienced the problems - have been banished from this forum.

I read those accounts in other RV forums - and while they certainly call into question the reliability of E-Mag / P-Mag products, they were logical, apparently factual descriptions of actual events, not an attempt to slander anyone.

Who censors this stuff? And why?
In at least two instances in the "P-mag" thread, the deletions were by Doug.

He did not give reasons, at least at that time.

Now there is a note in one of the last posts in the thread, where Doug explains what happened, and why.

Basically it falls into the category of "Vendor bashing" from my point of view.

Sometimes there is a pretty thin line between just describing a problem, and slander.

Hope this helps.
Mike's mostly right.

What happens (and I have a data point on this) is that somebody posts a 'these products are junk and will fail and people will crash' type thread, then shortly thereafter I am contacted by lawyers representing that company. Like I said...I have a data point.:(

If you want to post stuff that talks about safety concerns concerning other company's products, and your beliefs on whether or not they are safe, please do (in your own blog). You can set one up in three minutes at Anyone Googling the topic will find you.

What I'm hoping to avoid by keeping 'vender bashing' in here to 0% is financial ruin for my family. It's my financial neck on the line in here, so that's the way it is (in these litigeous-happy times). And, I too wish it wasn't this way.....

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