
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
....That's what my clock said when I shut down after this morning's flight! (I admit, I loafed about a bit for two tenths of an hour so that I wouldn't land with 39.9...). So legally, I'm ready to sign the airplane out of Phase 1 testing, and start paying back all of my friends and neighbors that have put up with this project with their promised rides!

Before I do that, just want to check with the experienced folks to se if there are any drawbacks to signing it out...I have tested the whole V-N envelope, speeds up to redline, stall behavior, stability at CG's from the forward edge to the aft, and the standard Acro stuff (loops,rolls,Split S, Immelmans, Spins...). Did a lot of performance testing as well, but I can continue that as long as I want.

I guess I want to make sure that I've covered everything I should,becasue I'd hate to go through the paperwork with the FSDO to put her back into Phase 1 to complete something else... Anyone think of something I've missed that needs to be addressed?

I'm looking at Thanksgiving coming up, and a Turkey dinner at Mom's in Minnesota is not that far away by RV! :D

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Have Fun

Sounds like you have everything covered, just make sure the logbook has the Phase 1 completion statement. This should be copied word for word off the document. I hope you get some good weather over the holiday, it doesn't look very good for me in western Michigan.

Ironflight said:
I'm looking at Thanksgiving coming up, and a Turkey dinner at Mom's in Minnesota is not that far away by RV! :D

I'll buy the dessert if you give me a ride when you come up. I might even give you a sweater .... or two...or three.

St. Paul
Congrats Paul!

Congratulations on your Phase 1 completion! Thanks for the great posts keeping us in the loop with your test findings. A big help!

Jeff - N247DE 20 hrs
Where are you in St. Paul Bob? If I don't make it up this week, I am going to be up there for certain at Christmas - would love to have an RV'er to visit when the family gets too much! :rolleyes:

Sign the logbook

Congratulations Paul!

I would sign the logbook now. I asked Mel this question at our inspection and I believe he said you are only required to notify the FSDO that you are going back into Phase I and what your test area will be. I was tired and excited that day and may have heard wrong, so Mel if you're listening please make me honest. From what I've heard about your test phase though I can't imagine there's much you missed, and if you did I'm sure those guys at NASA would have asked for the data by now.

You were right about the Thanksgiving weather too. Looks like snow for MN Wednesday PM & Thursday and rain over the weekend down here for your return trip.

Congrats again and have a safe flight this week!
Sounds like you're good to go. Have a safe and fun trip this weekend.
If you have a little time on the return, stop in at ShortStop (8TA5) and see us. I'm sure that you are up on your short field work.
Mel & Ann

Thanks everyone - I typed up my Phase 1 completeion statement, printed it on a sticky-back, and pasted it in the book this morning - Onward and upward!

Loooks like I'll probably stay in Houston for the week...Minnesota traditionally has a Post-Thanksgiving-Day blizzard/ice-storm, and I'm not ready to go real IFR in this machine. The past week I did a lot of work with the EFIS and GNS 430, figuring out how it all works together, shooting approaches in VFR. Let's just say that the capability is awesome, yet the two phrases I keep muttering to myself are "Gee, I didn't know it could do THAT!" and the ever-popular (in glass cockpits...) "What the heck is it doing NOW?!" :eek:

In the interest of flight safety, we want to get those remarks down to a statistical minimum before commiting to the clouds... ;)