very enjoyable

Not much of a takeoff roll, was it? :)
I really enjoyed the video - thanks!
Our runway with overruns

Our airpark airstrip has the 500' overrun (takeoff pad in video) on E. end, and 200' trees across the street. Good reason for the displaced threshold. There is a bit of prang in the landing that you see in the video, with the shadow gear shaking during the bounce. I did get it to prang near the numbers.

Rocket can usually leap off in less space but during that video, the temp was about 90 deg and wind calm.

Hazards include auto traffic, lawn mowers, pets, UPS trucks, birds etc. since r/w is also our street.

Non resident landing by permission only. Low speed passes advised since this is bird sanctuary with Bald Eagles, hummingbirds, and everything in between nesting by the hundreds everywhere around. The bang noise you may hear is bird becoming a carcass. The birds seem to get out of the way if you keep it below 100 kts.


Very nice video. I think I have watched it a dozen times now. Make me pick up the rivet gun and get back to work .