Well Known Member
I finally figured out how to invert the image, make a movie and post it on youtube. The video is from the past weekend over Mojave, CA for the fly-in. It was only my second time in the slot. I have a lot to learn yet. The camera is an HD170 mounted on the side of my helmet.
Axel, great video!

Do you have the Stealth version of the HD170? If so, I recommend setting the frame rate to 50 or 60 and your prop will show up smoother.


Great video, but how about a little Sinatra? Kidding. Flying slot is my fave. Really enjoyed your video.
Nice Video

I like the presentation with the camera mounted to your helmet. Could the camera also be mounted to a headset?
Nice video....and thank you for posting it in HD!
Man it take forever to edit and load.

Axel, great video!
Do you have the Stealth version of the HD170? If so, I recommend setting the frame rate to 50 or 60 and your prop will show up smoother.

I checked and it has 25 and 30. It is set to 30 right now. maybe in a different resolution it has different frame rates. Will check into it.

I like the presentation with the camera mounted to your helmet. Could the camera also be mounted to a headset?

I am sure it you can figure out a way. i spent over an hour trying to come up with an elegant mounting solution and at the end I used zip ties.


