Who does the formation training and is based around ATL?

I would like to make contact...

Chris Murphy

Well I dont know about "The" training. I have been known to hang around some formatting buddies from time to time.

Any of the links on my signature can get you to me, or a PM will work.
it's WORK at the start

Who does the formation training and is based around ATL?

I would like to make contact...

Chris Murphy

Hey Chris:

Watch out for that Kanuna guy -- if you get started with that crazy formation stuff as his wingman, you're gonna get hooked -- he'll make sure. It's some hard work at the start (take a water bottle with ya), but when you're all tuned up, it's more fun than a barrel of monkeys, and for me, it's the crack cocaine of aviation....about even with racing at Reno....


Carry on!
formation flying

Hi Mark,

I have done plenty of formation flying. In fact, used to fly formation in T-34's( back in the 70's) with the guys who wrote the " holy formation manual" that gets used by most groups. I enjoy it but don't do it much anymore. I learned from the guy who got the guys at Naper-aero started with their first T-34. His name was Bob Morse and was an AD pilot in Korea. He was probably one of the best pilots I have ever flown with bar none and was a big influence in my life.

Never got a FAST card then, it wasn't required back then but its on my list of things to do someday.

Chris M