
doug reeves: unfluencer
Staff member
...was ensconced in the throws of domestic perseity. Would someone who went (Scorch, Sky, Lurch, Grump?) chime in with how things went.

If you insist...

We had a 5-plane. Weather kinda scuzzy, scud and gusty winds down low. So of course we went anyway.

We tormented Monkey by making him lead. (Monk does NOT like to lead.) He did just fine. Hot Stuff was number two where he did all the standard manuvers. Ron is getting it with this formation stuff. Grump, Sky and I filled in and escaped with no injuries.

Heading back Monk got creative, found us a safe, legal, no-risk route down through a large break in the scud to a 5-plane echelon break.

Debrief, then breakfast at the Blue Hangar. Gene and Christie said "Where's Doug." We said, "Who?"

Fun stuff Krash, you should of been there.