
...from Grump

The Following is the "Tentative" Plan for Saturday's Formation Practice based on seven aviators reporting to date:

Brief @ 07:30

Flight # One

Lead = Grumpy
#2 = Smoke
#3 = Monkey
#4 = Scorch
#5 = Sky (Sky to balance four ship per brief)

Flight #2
Lead = Krash
#2 = Chomp

Second set of flights

Lead = Sky
#2 = Grumpy
#3 = Scorch
#4 = Krash

Flight #2

Possibly a two ship with Smoke and Chomp if they desire

We're still flexible on the plan depending on who shows and possibility of high winds. If the winds come up we'll eat extra pancakes and blow off the day.

That is all.

last min. update on 1/21 formation practice

Everything looking good. See you there if you can come.
Latest TAF:

The most recent Terminal Aerodrome Forecast from KDFW in our system was generated at the source at:
2006/01/20 23:32 UTC
The observation is:
KDFW 202332Z 210024 32017G24KT P6SM SCT300
FM0500 35012KT P6SM SKC
FM1700 04008KT P6SM SCT150 BKN250