
Well Known Member
During morning landing practice I was joined by a mysterious dark black RV-6A doing landings with me. He is a very good pilot. Several times he tucks in real close. Never did get a chance to speak to him but I think he may be on this forum. I hope to buy him a coffee next time he shows up.

It looks like he almost hit you a couple of times. Next time maybe you should get a formation briefing first. ;) I suppose a wrist watch and a calendar would be the best way to tell when to expect him again.
Easy to catch on final, but boy was he fast on the go-'rounds! Tough guy to fly wing on, eh! ;)...But it makes a cool vid! Fun! :)

He must have a constant speed prop, because you're getting seriously sucked on the climb-outs.

[ed. THAT sir......was pretty dang funny! Still giggling... dr]
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