Awesome video

Thanks for editing!
Thanks for posting!
Great video!

Next year i’m in……..for sure!
it is Lake Garda in north Italy. It is just southwest of Trento LIDT where we departed, home base of Luka and Franz - also members of the forum.
Welcome to VAF Yvar :D

And of course congrats Hermann, thanks for the vid, looking good :cool:

Yvar is THE repeat offender around here :)
Great job editing all the material, Hermann! Has been the highlight of 2021 season, looking forward to next year’s training sessons.
Cheers, Dirk


Spectacular. Such a beautiful backdrop to fly around. Looks like your son is getting big. Is he working on his license?

Hey Jeff,

yes the area around Trento is so beautiful with the mountains, river and Lake Garda.
And yeah - and my son is quite tall now, he already catched me. Unfortunately he is not all about flying but things might change. At least he wants to make his radio licence during the winter time which is required for a pilots licence here.

I did send you a PM.

thank you very much Hermann for the nice cut and editing!!!

Promise to work on even better camera setups for next year 👍😜

was a real joy to fly with you all!!!

Hey Jeff,

yes the area around Trento is so beautiful with the mountains, river and Lake Garda.
And yeah - and my son is quite tall now, he already catched me. Unfortunately he is not all about flying but things might change. At least he wants to make his radio licence during the winter time which is required for a pilots licence here.

I did send you a PM.


At least is he having some fun hanging out with dad and his fly buddies :)

If you sent me a PM on VAF, it did not come through...