
doug reeves: unfluencer
Staff member
Hey N. Texan RVators!

We had (7) RVs show up at 52F for our semi-weekly formation practice. Scorch led SCORCH flight with #2 Monkey, #3 me and #4 Lurch.

Sky led SKY flight with Mike Clark and Ron Grover as his #2 and #3.

After about 15min of these two flights doing their own thing, we coordinated the pre-briefed join up and had a (7) ship modified delta going for about ten minutes - culminating with (7) engines in formation over the airport (Scorch providing the good lead).


It was great fun! Sky had the #7 position and said the view out the window was ALL RV! Fun had by all - and a testimont to the professionism and safety-conscience mindset drilled into the minds of all the participants.

Pancakes followed at the Blue Hanger Cafe - the ramp was full of RVs at 8am. Jay Pratt even showed up, flying over from Hicks to enjoy breakfast with the usual suspects.

Respectfully submitted,
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Formation Flights

Do you North Texas formation guys post in advance when you are getting together? I would join you on occasion if I knew in advance when you were getting together. Bring the team to the Pecan Plantation (0TX1), Chapter 983 Fly-In on Sturday, June 10. Hope to see you here. Put me on your formation email list if you use one. [email protected]

Dick (Checker) Carmichael
FFI Card Holder
Pecan Plantation Airpark
We'll add your email address to the those of the 'usual suspects'.