
Well Known Member
A wing borescope inspection found this inside at 40 inches from tip on the top side of the inside surface. I'm not sure what it is but I don't believe it belongs there. It is not loose in the wing and could be bonded somehow. I am the second owner of the kit so I don't know the source of this foreign object. The wings are quick built.






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That is weird. I first thought it was conduit, but it looks like it stops? Maybe some better light in there to get a better picture. You said it doesn't move? I will be interested in this mystery. former owner a smuggler?!!

Almost looks like a piece of PVC pipe with an expansion joint and a tie wrap around it. Some king of weird bucking bar? An April fools Joke? .... too many variables in this equation.
I plan on removing the tank to have a look

Mystery indeed. I will post of picture of whatever it is after it is removed. I am preparing to install the wings in order to drill the fairing holes, etc. I certainly didn't expect to find this. Just goes to show, look at everything.
object removed from wing

Gil is correct. So here is the foreign object found in the left wing just outboard of the fuel tank. A tool used to pick up swarf. Time to reinstall the fuel tank. Both wings have been borescope inspected for foreign objects. No other objects found. I suspect this was from the previous builder and not from Vans.


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Learned something new, and I used to be a machinist in a former life.



Now if I can only remember it the next time I play Scrabble:D

I also didn't realise it might be more of a English term than a US term as the word has a Norse derivation. My English roots are showing...

swarf [swɔːf swɑːf]n

1. (Engineering / General Engineering) material removed by cutting or grinding tools in the machining of metals, stone, etc.
[of Scandinavian origin; related to Old Norse svarf metallic dust]

Do I get a prize for the "guess the mystery part" contest? :D
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I had to Google it to make sure it wasn't an April Fools joke from Gil. Wikipedia confirmed it and now I have a new term added to my vocabulary. I'm already thinking of uses...

For use at work...
"...your budget request from line 45 on is swarf. Delete and re-submit."

At home...
"Kids, clean your rooms. I want all this swarf picked up at once!"

To my wife...well I cant really think of a safe example for that.

"May the swarf be with you, always!" (or was that Schwartz)
I was working on a Cessna 182 a few years ago and found a rusted ball peen hammer in the wing. It didn't do any damage and it looked as though it had been there for years.
Gil wins swarf tool

it's 7.5 inches or maybe 8 if the head is straight. comes with swarf so you can show your girlfriend you know what you are doing.