
Well Known Member
This new version supposedly supports the new FIS-B products that some ground stations are broadcasting: Center Weather Advisories, cloud tops, graphical airmets, forecast icing, lightning strikes, and turbulence. I never got a notification from within Foreflight, but upgraded by visiting the App Store, entering "Foreflight" in the search box, and tapping on UPDATE. I'll see if the new products work the next time I go flying.
Now if Foreflight and Dynon software could just communicate with each other, this would be useful in flight for Dynon customers. :mad: You may recall that I wrote to Foreflight about this a few months ago. They gave me an optimistic response, but alas, no results. I'm not sure what bugs me more, being glad-handled by public relations, or the lack of effort to get the two systems working together.
I gave up on Dynon and Foreflight a few months ago, and installed a Garmin GDL-50 and now I not only have fully functional ADS-B in (both 978 and 1090) which displays flawlessly on Foreflight and Garmin Pilot, I also have a backup attitude indicator and synthetic vision through Garmin Pilot.

?UPDATE September 28, 2018: We have discovered a compatibility issue between ForeFlight and iOS 12 affecting the iPad Mini 4, iPad Air 2, iPhone 6, and older devices. These devices may experience persistent app crashes while running ForeFlight on iOS 12.?

I can confirm this happens.

And yes, I shouldn?t have updated it, but it was only my wofe?s iPad affected :D

?UPDATE September 28, 2018: We have discovered a compatibility issue between ForeFlight and iOS 12 affecting the iPad Mini 4, iPad Air 2, iPhone 6, and older devices. These devices may experience persistent app crashes while running ForeFlight on iOS 12.?

I can confirm this happens.

And yes, I shouldn?t have updated it, but it was only my wofe?s iPad affected :D

I believe that was pre-update. Likely the reason for the update.
I believe that was pre-update. Likely the reason for the update.

No sir, they are still working with apple to fix it for older iPads.

?Dear Customer,

We have discovered a compatibility issue between ForeFlight and iOS 12 affecting the iPad Mini 4, iPad Air 2, iPhone 6, and older devices. These devices may experience persistent app crashes while running ForeFlight on iOS 12.

We have notified Apple of this issue and our team is working on finding and implementing a fix, but for now we recommend that all customers ?hold short? on updating to iOS 12 on any iPad Minis, iPad Airs, iPhone 6, and older devices used in flight. We will notify you as soon as a fix is available.

Newer devices are not impacted by this issue and are clear to update to iOS 12. These include any iPad Pro, iPad 5th generation and above, and iPhone 6S and above.?
Now if Foreflight and Dynon software could just communicate with each other, this would be useful in flight for Dynon customers. :mad: You may recall that I wrote to Foreflight about this a few months ago. They gave me an optimistic response, but alas, no results. I'm not sure what bugs me more, being glad-handled by public relations, or the lack of effort to get the two systems working together.

In the past, I had contacted both Dynon and Foreflight multiple times about this, and each pointed the finger at the other.

Then earlier this year at Sun-n-Fun, Foreflight published their ADSB protocol. (It's the industry-standard GDL90 protocol on port 4000.)

Dynon hasn't published theirs, don't support GDL90, and so far haven't updated the Skyview software to interface with Foreflight for FIS-B/TIS-B. The blame lies solely with Dynon and their lack of support for an industry-standard protocol. edit: this thread seems to indicate the next release of Skyview software will fix the issue, but no indication on timing:

(Curiously, Dynon's wholly-owned subsidiary Advanced Flight Systems supports GDL90 even as an input to the AFS displays, so you can feed it with an inexpensive Stratux instead of buying the $$$$$ proprietary hardware!)
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Dynon mentioned this week on their forum that they expect the compatibility issues to be corrected in version 15.4.

Not that they haven't been trying but Foreflight recently changed their side so I suspect they had to go back and start over.
I went up today and tried out Foreflight v. 10.4. When I first paired it with the Stratus 2, I didn't see any Stratus firmware update going on but could have missed it. My firmware is v. but, to be honest, I don't know what it was before. This was before I was airborne:


Once airborne and in contact with a ground station, I activated "Cloud Tops" and it worked. There's a slider on the right side of the screen where you select altitude. I selected 4K but there weren't any clouds in my area to speak of. 30 NM West there was a hatched area so I guess that means there were clouds over there (or no data?).


The best part was that I could actually see TIS-B targets with my new xpndr antenna (not shown in this screen shot).