
Well Known Member
Okay, so I downloaded Foreflight on my iPad. My first encounters have been extremely frustrating trying to lay out some flights. Is there any tutorial available providing some guidance on how to use this thing?

To many questions right now. I thought there would be a "plan a flight" or "route." There is a "file and brief" button that you can add a flight plan and that is what I was using. When bringing the saved flight plan up, I was hoping it would show distance, time enroute etc. (I entered my plane info).

There are many youtube tutorial on the net and it is easier to use than it may appear.

To plan a trip, in the map page, I put my departing airport and destination airport in the top right search area and that is how a simple flight plan is created. If I want to add way points, then just grab the link in between the two targets on the map and move it to your desired way point. On top of the same page, you have a detailed flight plan with all of your way point, heading, etc and in this area you can choice to file it via ?send to? or add it to your favorite.

So, go to the map page at the bottom and give it a try, you will love it in no time.
Foreflight nirvana

I love Foreflight. Come to AVQ tomorrow for lunch, I'll show ya everything I know. I signed up for it a day before I picked up my RV and flew it home. By the time I got off the airliner to get the plane I was able to get enough out of it to get home safely.
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Download the 74 page Pilot's Guide to Foreflight Mobile. It will answer most all of your questions. It is in my documents tab along with many other books and the 2012 Osh NOTAM. I really like Foreflight before flight. Above 3000' or out in the middle of nowhere not much. I like my xm wx everywhere at all altitudes.
I'm a long time ForeFlight user and one thing that still slows me down is how different the flight planning process is on FF for iPad vs FF on the iPhone. On the iPad, after laying out your flight plan on the map, you "send to" briefing. If you use the briefing button, itvshows your pastvroutes but not the new one. On the iPhone you close the map, go to routes which *does* have your newest route, then to briefing.

The FF videos and YouTube posts are an easy way to get started.

One feature I like is the ability to "email" a plan. You can email to yourself - I do this to move plans quickly from iPad to iPhone - and you can email to others if you are flying together, planning a group trip, or someone wants to "follow in your footsteps".
Having also just bought an iPad and Foreflight I'm having similar problem.

But, never having used a smart phone with a "finger" operating system I think I also need an iPad tutorial.

Anyone got a link to a nice written one, not a youtube video?

Number one question, how do turn the iPad to OFF?
Having also just bought an iPad and Foreflight I'm having similar problem.

But, never having used a smart phone with a "finger" operating system I think I also need an iPad tutorial.

Anyone got a link to a nice written one, not a youtube video?

Number one question, how do turn the iPad to OFF?

Push the external button in the upper right corner.

I love Foreflight. Come to AVQ tomorrow for lunch, I'll show ya everything I know. I signed up for it a day before I picked up my RV and flew it home. By the time I got off the airliner to get the plane I was able to get enough out of it to get home safely.

How about Sunday breakfast? I'm flying off time in my neighbors gorgeous 7 and can fly down after work Sunday morning!!!
Too many hobbies

Sadly, I have too many hobbies and not enough time to do them all. I have a dirt bike ride sunday. You'll likely have Foreflight mastered by then as well.
Hey guys I'll help

If you go to documents center bottom there is documents for all kinds of stuff including fore flight.
To start go to more and hit the plus sign and add your aircraft
Then you can practice on the file flight plan by actually entering in a flight plan lets say
KSTL KHRO as an example for practice
Enter in all the information and hit file
Yes I know you won't be flying the trip and it will drop out after 2 hours
After you file hit brief
After you look at your sample weather then hit map
Top center is a pull down menu showing the legs
Top bottom are several optional eta gs etc and you can change any of the parameters my holing your finger on it..

This will get you started
Read the fore flight manual under documents. There is so much information available it un real

Smilin Jack

Thanks to everyone who replied. I think I have it figured out!!!!

Very cool device and highly recommended.

Last night we had a patient flight in the helicopter. We had thunderstorms in the area. I used the weather feature to update the crew while we were at the hospital. Great piece of mind tool!!!