
Well Known Member
I have a G3X touch with a GDL39 hardwired so it is powered on with the rest of the avionics. I have always used foreflight with my stratus2. I think the last software upgrade with the G3X now automatically selects the GDL39 to connect with foreflight. It is nice to have the GDL39 for traffic when not using the iPad/ stratus but the stratus has more features and I like having the foreflight/stratus combo as an independent source in the event of an electrical failure (already had one with alternator belt failure)

The stratus has more features than the GDL39 but I cannot determine how to select the stratus to be used with foreflight instead of automatically selecting the GDL39. Foreflight recognizes the stratus but selects the 39. Anyone k ow how to configure the settings or system to use the stratus instead of the 39?
The GDL39 uses Bluetooth and the Stratus uses Wi-Fi. I think the easiest solution would be to disable the Bluetooth function on your tablet.