
Well Known Member
I am 'sort of' used to Foreflight having used it in my old steam V35. While that was way better than paper charts, having an iPad strapped to my knee was somewhat cumbersome. I am looking forward to the new glass panel in my -14A but that raises this question:

Will I be able to drop the iPad and just use the HDX1100 with Foreflight or do I need the Dynon SVMAP270 software? I understand the iPad will still be needed to download Foreflight, right? If so, wifi is needed, right?
No dynon, but Garmin and GRT. I still use an ipad with FF. I think it is easier to use for weather, airport info, ifr plates and big picture mapping. I leave the EFIS in track up and FF in north up (better navigation support IMHO. I am sure everyone has a different opinion, but I like both and save money by not purchasing plates and stuff on the EFIS. I might think differently if I had two large screens.

Also very nice to have FF portable, away from the plane. I check weather before flights, file IFR flight plans, etc.
