
Active Member
Have any of you experienced the new ForeFlight map sidebar? Am I the only one that hates that thing?? If you are in the bumps and accidentally tap on the map that sidebar squeezes your map in half. Then you have to scramble to find the very small close button. Tapping in a blank area of the map is not feasible because if there is a SIGMET or anything in the background if just switches to that on the sidebar.

This is almost a deal breaker to try something else for me. Very frustrated that ForeFlight is starting to make useless “improvements” just to have some new bell or whistle.

Anyway.... off the soapbox.
I have not explored it yet but is it not something than can be turned off? They are usually pretty good about giving us that option in the settings.
Not of value to me

I flew last Friday , was a bit bumpy on let down. I AGREE, not a feature I enjoy, kept popping up. Small close button, but have learned pressing on green dot it leaves on map will close, or other areas of map. I.hope they add a control in LAYERS so to turn off.
Just a tap away

Just tap anywhere on the map and it closes. No need to hit CLOSE button. But you’re right. We should be able to disable it f we want.
You can also click on the green circle that pops up where you originally clicked to close the menu, but that's not much bigger than the close button. I liked the menu when I flew the other day, but it was glass smooth....

I just did some testing and it looks like you can be pretty inaccurate when you click the green circle, even when in a TFR and it works, so that gives you an easier place to close it.
Also, I have to do a fairly long press to get the menu to come up. A quick tap doesn't do it. I checked and don't see a setting for that, but maybe just try to let go faster when bumpy. I know, easier said than done.
Hmm I find it rather convenient. On iPad Pro 12” it takes only one third of the screen. That’s the only moving map in my cockpit and I do a lot planning on the go and diversions :)
I also just noticed that if you select something on the very left side of the screen, when the menu pops up in moves your selection off the screen. That's pretty bad.

Support is pretty responsive, let them know and I bet it's fixed in subsequent releases.
I also just noticed that if you select something on the very left side of the screen, when the menu pops up in moves your selection off the screen. That's pretty bad.

Support is pretty responsive, let them know and I bet it's fixed in subsequent releases.

I hadn't noticed that. You're right, it's not great to lose sight of the feature for which you want information.

I contacted support and I got a pretty quick response. It sounds like they are getting PIREPS on it, so maybe some option to revert or keep it in the future.

@Vlad yeah, on a Pro I bet you can see a lot of stuff! I'm border line needing readers with my mini. This may push me over the top....

Do they make reader foggles?? :D
From ForeFlight

I asked for layer control to stop the pop up.


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I asked for layer control to stop the pop up.

That's a good suggestion. Maybe with enough feedback they will give some options. I tried it with an approach plate on the map today and it's even worse. I'm prepping for my IFR practical. That's nerve wracking enough without a curve ball like this in the 11th hour.