
Well Known Member
Checked Forflight for Notams on an airport I was flying to yesterday. It indicated one runway was closed to winter operation and the other closed at night. I called Flight Service for weather and a Notam check before departure and they indicated that there were none in effect and the 2015 Notam ForeFlight showed was no longer in effect. ForeFlight notes “Only effective Notams are displayed” -???

Found the old Notam was no longer in effect because it had been replaced by a more permanent statement in the Nav Canada, Canada Flight Supplement (like the FAA Chart Supplements). So - the info in the Foreflight notam was OK but no longer recognized as a Notam by Nav Canada.

Anyway I thought I could quit buying the CFS and charts in leu of “always up to date” ForeFlight but learned it isn’t necessarily so.

Bottom line - it pays to crosscheck.