
Well Known Member
I accidently named a waypoint with the same identifier as an airport. I can delete the waypoint from a route but NOT from the drop down menu. It's supposed be removeable by Ipad's 'swipe and delete' as stated in the manual (page 28) but it's not. Anybody have a workaround? 'Team foreflight' support is intermittent or they don't know what to do.
Very interesting...

Can you rename the waypoint? I'm guessing the software is written so you can't delete an actual airport. But, they probably didn't consider someone naming a waypoint the same as an airport. I'll have to try that. :D
Works for me

I accidently named a waypoint with the same identifier as an airport. I can delete the waypoint from a route but NOT from the drop down menu. It's supposed be removeable by Ipad's 'swipe and delete' as stated in the manual (page 28) but it's not. Anybody have a workaround? 'Team foreflight' support is intermittent or they don't know what to do.

I just tried that and was able to delete the waypoint from the More... > User Waypoints dialog. Just swiped and tapped Delete. It's gone. Have you updated to the latest version?

I just tried it and was able to delete from the More -> User Waypoints screen as well. The manual is kinda confusing because everything else discussed on page 28 is done on the maps screen.

Using foreflight version 4.3.2 on an ipad2.
Page 26 Foreflight Manual

Sorry I looked it up, this is the info on page 26 NOT 28.

Tap the Done button to finish creating the user waypoint. Once the waypoint is created, it functions just as any other waypoint in ForeFlight Mobile.

To delete a user waypoint, use the swipe-to-delete gesture.

Only the delete red button won't appear. I'm on Ver. 4.3.3
Glad to know it works for some of you!
That was it!

Thanks guys. That was the trick. It was in 'MORE'. I wrote email to the foreflight 'TEAM' 5 times and they could not tell me that. They must have a dweeb doing tech support for them. Honest to God, wouldn't you think they could solve the easy issuses as well as the users can? Great product but I know where to start next time to get help.