
Well Known Member
Has anyone added the audio from Foreflight on an Ipad Mini to a Garmin SL 30? Can I just add the audio output from the speaker jack to the headphone input on the SL 30?

Thanks in advance to my esteemed coleages..... :)
i would give it a try. audio out, audio in. ;) i use the blue tooth function into my headset.
I?d put, say, a 220 ohm resistor in series with each output line, before tying them together. To provide some isolation.
Bob, could you explain in a bit more detail about the use of the resistors?

If you just tie together the headphone, SL30 output, and IPad output wires, most of the IPad current will flow into the SL30, not the headphones. And most of the SL30 current will flow into the IPad, not the headphones. Technically, one would say that the SL30 output has a low input impedance. To prevent this, put a resistor (200-500 ohms) in series with each output, before connecting them both to the headset. This will limit the unwanted current flow back into an output. It will also reduce the desired signal levels to the headset, so you?ll have to turn up the volumes (compared to having just one device attached). The proper way to do this is to spend $5 on an op-amp based mixer, which isolates each input. But for just two devices, there?s a good chance the resistor trick will work.
If you just tie together the headphone, SL30 output, and IPad output wires, most of the IPad current will flow into the SL30, not the headphones. And most of the SL30 current will flow into the IPad, not the headphones. Technically, one would say that the SL30 output has a low input impedance. To prevent this, put a resistor (200-500 ohms) in series with each output, before connecting them both to the headset. This will limit the unwanted current flow back into an output. It will also reduce the desired signal levels to the headset, so you?ll have to turn up the volumes (compared to having just one device attached). The proper way to do this is to spend $5 on an op-amp based mixer, which isolates each input. But for just two devices, there?s a good chance the resistor trick will work.

Thanks Bob, that makes sense.
I tried one of those Bluetooth headset adapters that you put in series with your headset and was very unhappy with it. It loaded down the audio from my radio depending upon whether it was ON or OFF. I tossed it out. The real solution here is a Bluetooth-enabled headset.
I tried one of those Bluetooth headset adapters that you put in series with your headset and was very unhappy with it. It loaded down the audio from my radio depending upon whether it was ON or OFF. I tossed it out. The real solution here is a Bluetooth-enabled headset.

That's the route I want to go. Probable a Bose 20.
Audio Alerts

I am set up to receive audio alerts from my Foreflight iPad through my Bose A20 headset via Bluetooth. However, it does not work all of the time. I did discover a problem, and this could be due to our noisy cockpits. I found that some of the alerts were "clipped". I found if you have to jack up the squelch the alerts are clipped, or you do not hear them at all. Since you prioritize Com over alerts you will not receive alerts. With the Bose A20 you can select "both" mode, which will allow Com and Alerts through. In this mode I don't miss any alerts, but gets distracting when in a area where a lot of communication is going on. Unless someone has some advise, there seems to be some limitations with the Bose.
I am set up to receive audio alerts from my Foreflight iPad through my Bose A20 headset via Bluetooth. However, it does not work all of the time. I did discover a problem, and this could be due to our noisy cockpits. I found that some of the alerts were "clipped". I found if you have to jack up the squelch the alerts are clipped, or you do not hear them at all. Since you prioritize Com over alerts you will not receive alerts. With the Bose A20 you can select "both" mode, which will allow Com and Alerts through. In this mode I don't miss any alerts, but gets distracting when in a area where a lot of communication is going on. Unless someone has some advise, there seems to be some limitations with the Bose.

Thanks for the info Steve......